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Doing business in korea

Outline1. Geography of Korea2. Economy of Korea3. Reasons Why You Should Do Business In and With Korea4. Things to Remember in Korea5.Conclution

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Слайд 1Doing business in korea
Kasimkhan Aydin & Kadyrbergen Shyngys

Doing business in korea Kasimkhan Aydin & Kadyrbergen Shyngys

Слайд 2Outline
1. Geography of Korea
2. Economy of Korea
3. Reasons Why You

Should Do Business In and With Korea
4. Things to Remember

in Korea
Outline1. Geography of Korea2. Economy of Korea3. Reasons Why You Should Do Business In and With Korea4.

Слайд 3Geography

South Korea, view from space

South Korea — the country located in East Asia, in the southern part of the Korean peninsula.

The country area — 98 480 square kilometers from which 290 square kilometers are occupied with water resources.


Слайд 4Economy

The Republic of Korea is economically developed state with high

level of the income per capita.

Advantages: the world's largest sudoproizvoditel

(45% share of the market). Great demand in China on the Korean goods, especially cars.

Weaknesses: high debt and sensitivity to the international movement of the capital. The public sector burdens economy.
Economy.The Republic of Korea is economically developed state with high level of the income per capita.Advantages: the

Слайд 5Reasons Why You Should Do Business In Korea

1. Stable Government

Strong democracy
Local governments anxious to


2. No Corruption
Major corruption eliminated

3. Independent Judiciary
Korea judges are fiercely independent
Free from corruption
No foreigner discrimination

Reasons Why You Should Do Business In Korea1. Stable Government   Strong democracy   Local

Слайд 6Reasons Why You Should Do Business In Korea
4. Korean Consumers

are Fussy
Very demanding in respect of

Excellent test market

5. World Standards Increasingly Established in Korea
Korea #1 in Shipbuilding , Semiconductors , Cell Phones

6. Koreans Highly Educated
Highest rates of high school & college graduation

7 You will Make Money
Most Foreign companies profitable

Reasons Why You Should Do Business In Korea4. Korean Consumers are Fussy    Very demanding

Слайд 7Things to Remember in Korea
1. Language Barriers

English is getting better, but…..
Assume only

60% is understood

2. Compliance of Law Essential
Foreigners violating the law are not tolerated
Prosecutors are powerful
Enforcement is strict

Things to Remember in Korea1. Language Barriers    English is getting better, but…..

Слайд 8Things to Remember in Korea
3. Consumer Protection is Strong

Fair Trade Law is strict
Consumer complaints

are investigated
Pressure on price controls

4. Appeals to Emotions
Why is your product or service good for Korea
Will it help Korea become more global , etc.
Help you counterparty become more successful

5. Koreans are Motivated to Win & Having Fun

Things to Remember in Korea3. Consumer Protection is Strong   Fair Trade Law is strict

Слайд 9Conclusion


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