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Economics news

What kind of goods should be bought before autumn price increment. Expert’s advices. Financial expert Vitali Kalugin prognosed price rising in some goods categories: “This autumn goods with no localization

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Economics news
Presentation by Ivan Shelevakho

Economics newsPresentation by Ivan Shelevakho3733802/02604https://ura.news/news/1052450517?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=desktop

Слайд 2What kind of goods should be bought before autumn price

increment. Expert’s advices.
Financial expert Vitali Kalugin prognosed price rising

in some goods categories: “This autumn goods with no localization will get increased in prices. It could be appliances, automobiles, everything that gets imported”.

What kind of goods should be bought before autumn price increment. Expert’s advices.  Financial expert Vitali

Слайд 3Reasons and groups of risk
Such situation is provided by pandemic

and lockdown.

Unfortunately price rising will reduce total consumers amount

in long term. The riskiest businesses are auto dealers and electronics resellers.
Reasons and groups of riskSuch situation is provided by pandemic and lockdown. Unfortunately price rising will reduce

Слайд 4Vocabulary
Crop - урожай
Appliances - бытовая техника
Long term – долгосрочный период

VocabularyCrop - урожайAppliances - бытовая техникаLong term – долгосрочный период

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