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Education in Canada

three best Universities in CanadaUniversity of Toronto№1 in the Canadian rankingsMcGill University№2 in the Canadian rankingsUniversity of British Columbia№3 in the Canadian rankings

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Слайд 1Education in Canada

Education in Canada

Слайд 2three best Universities in Canada
University of Toronto
№1 in the

Canadian rankings
McGill University
№2 in the Canadian rankings

University of British


№3 in the Canadian rankings

three best Universities in CanadaUniversity of Toronto№1  in the Canadian rankingsMcGill University№2  in the Canadian

Слайд 3 University of British Columbia
The University of British Columbia, is a public research university with

campuses and facilities in British Columbia, Canada. Founded in 1908 as the McGill

University College of British Columbia, the university became independent and adopted its current name in 1915. It is the oldest institution of higher learning in British Columbia and enrolls over 60,000 students at its Vancouver and Okanagan Valley campuses.
University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia, is a public research university with campuses and facilities in British Columbia, Canada.

Слайд 4Faculties
 Currently, University of British Columbia has twelve faculties at its

Vancouver campus and seven faculties at its Okanagan campus.
Most students

are enrolled in five larger Faculties:
- Arts
- Science
- Medicine
- Applied Science
- Sauder School of Business.

Faculties Currently, University of British Columbia has twelve faculties at its Vancouver campus and seven faculties at its

Слайд 5

Campus Vancouver
The main campus is located at Point Grey, a

twenty-minute drive from downtown Vancouver. It is near several beaches and has views of the North Shore mountains. The campus is home to numerous gardens. The UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research, the first UBC department, holds a collection of over 8000 different kinds of plants used for research, conservation and education.
Campus VancouverThe main campus is located

Слайд 6 Okanagan Campus
The University of British Columbia's Okanagan Campus is

a campus of the University of British Columbia, located in

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. This campus offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Arts, Science, Engineering, Nursing, Education, and Management.
Okanagan CampusThe University of British Columbia's Okanagan Campus is a campus of the University of British

Слайд 7Library
The University of British Columbia's Library, which comprises 6

million books and journals is the second largest research library

in Canada. The former Main Library has undergone construction and has been renamed the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Library has a number of different collections of books that have been donated.
Library The University of British Columbia's Library, which comprises 6 million books and journals is the second

Слайд 8Art gallery
The Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery is

a contemporary art gallery located in Vancouver, British Columbia, on

the campus of the University of British Columbia.
Art gallery The Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in Vancouver,

Слайд 9The heart of student activity at UBC Vancouver is the

centrally located Student Union Building, which houses offices of many

student clubs, restaurants and cafés, a pub , a nightclub , the 425-seat Norman Bouchard Memorial Theatre, several shops, and a post office.
The heart of student activity at UBC Vancouver is the centrally located Student Union Building, which houses

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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