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He registered his channel with the name EeOneGuy on YouTube on March 19, 2013.EeOneGuy's first video on YouTube was published on March 24, 2013. Then, he was engaged only in Let's

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Слайд 1EeOneGuy


Слайд 2He registered his channel with the name EeOneGuy on YouTube

on March 19, 2013.
EeOneGuy's first video on YouTube was published

on March 24, 2013.
Then, he was engaged only in Let's Play content. Later, when he gained more popularity, he began to change the format of his channel to challenges and vlogs.

In 2015, he participated in the shooting of YouTube Rewind, the Lenovo advertising campaign and the Videofan festival, and won the Like-2015 award in the Like for Lifestyle nomination as part of the Vidfest festival.

He registered his channel with the name EeOneGuy on YouTube on March 19, 2013.EeOneGuy's first video on

Слайд 3Ivan attracts the audience in various ways - he sings

in karaoke, plays popular games, commenting on them, does something

to argue, answers subscribers' questions, shows simple tricks and tricks, or jokes on the camera.

Some of the titles of his videos characterize the plots - “Trolling schoolchildren at Digger Online,” “I paint like a nerd,” “Stiff antics,” “Song of a nerd.” According to the Afisha Daily and Gazeta.Ru publications, the main audience for his video blog is teenage girls. In the global ranking at the beginning of 2016, his channel was ahead of the official accounts of NBA, Enrique Iglesias, Lady Gaga and Vice

Ivan attracts the audience in various ways - he sings in karaoke, plays popular games, commenting on

Слайд 4In 2016, together with Sasha Spielberg and Maryana Ro, he

played one of the main roles in the film of

Bazelevs studio (producer Timur Bekmambetov) - “Hack bloggers” (dir. Maxim Sveshnikov)

In May 2016, Kommersant Money magazine published an article “Antitax Tax”, where it estimated Ivan’s estimated annual income from the YouTube affiliate program at $ 300 thousand.

In 2016, together with Sasha Spielberg and Maryana Ro, he played one of the main roles in

Слайд 5It has an audience of 15,7 million subscribers on YouTube

and 3,3 million subscribers on Instagram, an average income of

1 million rubles per month.

On January 4, 2019, after a long absence, he released a song called “My Heart” under the pseudonym IVAN. Jobs on YouTube in less than a day collected more than 5 million views, more than 850 thousand likes and 300 thousand comments [30], and more than one hundred thousand people subscribed to the channel [31]. In his Instagram stories, Rudskoy thanked his audience for their support.

It has an audience of 15,7 million subscribers on YouTube and 3,3 million subscribers on Instagram, an

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