Разделы презентаций

Electronic book is better than paper book

1st round – OPENING STATEMENT Introduction – 1 minute for each team. Both teams present themselves, they need to explain why they took this side, clarify the importance of the topic.

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Слайд 1Topic №1
Electronic book is better than paper book

Topic №1Electronic book is better than paper book

Слайд 31st round – OPENING STATEMENT
Introduction – 1 minute for

each team.
Both teams present themselves, they need to explain

why they took this side, clarify the importance of the topic.
They present their personal idea covering the topic of debates.
BUT: they don’t give their arguments at this stage yet.
Arguments – 2 minutes for each team.
Teams present their arguments and one person makes brief notes of the arguments on the blackboard

1st round – OPENING STATEMENT Introduction – 1 minute for each team. Both teams present themselves, they

Слайд 42nd round – REBUTTAL
2 minutes for each team.

team in turns have to find counter arguments for all

arguments of the opposing team

2nd round – REBUTTAL 2 minutes for each team. Each team in turns have to find counter

Слайд 53rd round – EXTRA ARGUMENTS
2 minutes for each team

team have to find some more arguments they have got

during the debates.
After one team have proposed their arguments, the other team have to find counter arguments and vice versa.

3rd round – EXTRA ARGUMENTS 2 minutes for each teamEach team have to find some more arguments

Слайд 64th round - Closing Statement – Conclusion
Time limit – 2

minutes per one group
In the closing statement all groups

get the opportunity to express their final opinion about the outcome of the debate. They may also call for action towards the other participants.

4th round - Closing Statement – ConclusionTime limit – 2 minutes per one group In the closing

Слайд 75th round - Summing-up
To conclude the debate properly, the chairman

ends the debate with a consensus check. This means that

he/she makes sure that all groups agree about the outcome. When this consensus is reached, the debate has come to its end.
5th round - Summing-upTo conclude the debate properly, the chairman ends the debate with a consensus check.

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