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Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

First meetingPrincess Elizabeth and Prince Philip first met when they attended the wedding of Prince Philip's cousin, Princess Marina of Greece to The Duke of Kent, who was an uncle of

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Слайд 2First meeting
Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip first met when they

attended the wedding of Prince Philip's cousin, Princess Marina of

Greece to The Duke of Kent, who was an uncle of Princess Elizabeth, in 1934.

The engagement between Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten R.N was announced on the 9th July, 1947.
First meetingPrincess Elizabeth and Prince Philip first met when they attended the wedding of Prince Philip's cousin,

Слайд 3The Royal Wedding
The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh were

married in Westminster Abbey on the 20th November, 1947 at

The Royal WeddingThe Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh were married in Westminster Abbey on the 20th

Слайд 4The Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding

Слайд 5The Wedding Dress

The Wedding Dress

Слайд 6Honeymoon and Wedding Trip
The newlyweds spent their wedding night at

Broadlands in Hampshire, home of Prince Philip's uncle Earl Mountbatten.

The second part of the honeymoon was spent at Birkhall on the Balmoral Estate.
Honeymoon and Wedding TripThe newlyweds spent their wedding night at Broadlands in Hampshire, home of Prince Philip's

Слайд 7Children
Charles, 1952
Anna, 1959

ChildrenCharles, 1952Anna, 195919681964AndrewEdward1951

Слайд 8Coronation
2 June

Coronation2 June1953

Слайд 9Weddings
Silver wedding – 1972
Golden Wedding - 1997
Diamond Wedding - 2007

WeddingsSilver wedding – 1972Golden Wedding - 1997Diamond Wedding - 2007

Слайд 10The end 

The end 

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