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enviromental managment

What is it Environmental resourse managment?Environmental resource management is the management of the interaction and impact of human societies on the environmental

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Слайд 1 enviromental managment
Stundet: Semenov K.S.


enviromental managmentStundet: Semenov K.S.ОАБ-20.03.01-22

Слайд 2What is it Environmental resourse managment?
Environmental resource management is the

management of the interaction and impact of human societies on

the environmental
What is it Environmental resourse managment?Environmental resource management is the management of the interaction and impact of

Слайд 3Environmental resource management goals:
To ensure that ecosystem services are protected

and maintained for future human generations
Also maintain ecosystem integrity through

considering ethical, economic, and scientific(ecological) variables
To identify factors affected by conflicts that rise between meeting needs and protecting resources
Environmental resource management goals:To ensure that ecosystem services are protected and maintained for future human generationsAlso maintain

Слайд 4

The three main issues that affect managers are those involving

politics (networking), programs(projects), and resources(money, facilities, etc.)

Environmental management is therefore

not the conservation of the environment solely for the environment’s sake but rather the conservation of the environment for humankind’s sake
The three main issues that affect managers are those involving politics (networking), programs(projects), and resources(money, facilities, etc.)Environmental

Слайд 6Environmental management

Environmental managementLiving(biotic)Nonliving(abiotic)

Слайд 7The iso 14001 standart
Is the most widely used standard for

environmental risk management.Other environmental management systems(EMS) tend to be based

on the ISO 14001 standard and many extend it in various ways.

The iso 14001 standartIs the most widely used standard for environmental risk management.Other environmental management systems(EMS) tend

Слайд 8Добавить заголовок слайда — 2

Добавить заголовок слайда — 2

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