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EU cultural diplomacy

EU cultural diplomacy2008 - the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (EYID).The activities are focused in the fields of education, sports, culture, youth, and citizenship.-Intercultural dialogue between the countries of the European

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Слайд 1EU cultural diplomacy

EU cultural diplomacy

Слайд 2EU cultural diplomacy
2008 - the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue


The activities are focused in the fields of education, sports,

culture, youth, and citizenship.

-Intercultural dialogue between the countries of the European Union
- Relations between the West and the Arab and Islamic World

EU cultural diplomacy2008 - the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (EYID).The activities are focused in the fields

Слайд 3EU cultural diplomacy
Problem: citizens of the European Union often know

too little of the citizens and cultures of other European

Union countries

The European Cultural Foundation (ECF) had to create a European cultural policy.

The need for bridging these gaps of
mutual understanding and knowledge

EU cultural diplomacyProblem: citizens of the European Union often know too little of the citizens and cultures

Слайд 4EU cultural diplomacy
Involving non-member states to the dialogue (Israel, Palestine,

Almost three-quarters of European Union citizens believe that people

with a different background (ethnic, religious or national) enrich the cultural life of their country

Does this EU cultural diplomacy work?
EU cultural diplomacyInvolving non-member states to the dialogue (Israel, Palestine, etc.) Almost three-quarters of European Union citizens

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