Разделы презентаций

Example: 1D PIC code for Two-Stream Plasma Instability

SetupProf. Succi "Computational

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Example: 1D PIC code for Two-Stream Plasma Instability

Example: 1D PIC code for Two-Stream Plasma Instability

Слайд 2Setup
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

Periodic box

Initial electron distribution function:
2 counter-propagating Maxwellian beams of mean speed 

Electrons with position ( ) and velocity ( )

SetupProf. Succi

Слайд 3Method
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

Solve electron EOM as
coupled first order ODEs using RK4


MethodProf. Succi

Слайд 4Method
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

Need electric field at every time step. Solve Poisson’s equation (using spectral method)

Calculate the electron number density source term using PIC approach

MethodProf. Succi

Слайд 5DriverPIC.m
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

== 1D PIC code for the Two-Stream Plasma Instability Problem ==

L = 100; % domain of solution 0 <= x <= L
N = 20000; % number of electrons
J = 1000; % number of grid points
vb = 3; % beam velocity
dt = 0.1; % time-step (in inverse plasma frequencies)
tmax = 80; % simulation run from t = 0 to t = tmax


DriverPIC.mProf. Succi

Слайд 6DriverPIC.m
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

t = 0;
rng(42); % seed the rand # generator
r = L*rand(N,1); % electron positions
v = double_maxwellian(N,vb); % electron velocities

Initialize solution

DriverPIC.mProf. Succi

Слайд 7DriverPIC.m
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

while (t<=tmax)
% load r,v into a single vector
solution_coeffs = [r; v];
% take a 4th order Runge-Kutta timestep
k1 = AssembleRHS(solution_coeffs,L,J);
k2 = AssembleRHS(solution_coeffs + 0.5*dt*k1,L,J);
k3 = AssembleRHS(solution_coeffs + 0.5*dt*k2,L,J);
k4 = AssembleRHS(solution_coeffs + dt*k3,L,J);
solution_coeffs = solution_coeffs + dt/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4);
% unload solution coefficients
r = solution_coeffs(1:N);
v = solution_coeffs(N+1:2*N);
% make sure all coordinates are in the range 0 to L
r = r + L*(r<0) - L*(r>L);
t = t + dt;

Evolve solution

DriverPIC.mProf. Succi

Слайд 8AssembleRHS.m
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

function RHS = AssembleRHS( solution_coeffs, L, J )
r = solution_coeffs(1:N); v = solution_coeffs(N+1:2*N);
r = r + L*(r<0) - L*(r>L);
% Calculate electron number density
ne = GetDensity( r, L, J );
% Solve Poisson's equation
n0 = N/L;
rho = ne/n0 - 1;
phi = Poisson1D( rho, L );
% Calculate electric field
E = GetElectric( phi, L );
% equations of motion
dx = L/J;
js = floor(r0/dx)+1;
ys = r0/dx - (js-1);
js_plus_1 = mod(js,J)+1;
Efield = E(js).*(1-ys) + E(js_plus_1);
rdot = v;
vdot = -Efield;
RHS = [rdot; vdot];

AssembleRHS.mProf. Succi

Слайд 9GetDensity.m
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

function n = GetDensity( r, L, J )
% Evaluate number density n in grid of J cells, length L, from the electron positions r

dx = L/J;

js = floor(r/dx)+1;
ys = r/dx - (js-1);
js_plus_1 = mod(js,J)+1;
n = accumarray(js,(1-ys)/dx,[J,1]) + ...


GetDensity.mProf. Succi

Слайд 10Poisson1D.m
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

function u = Poisson1D( v, L )
% Solve 1-d Poisson equation:
% d^u / dx^2 = v for 0 <= x <= L
% using spectral method
J = length(v);
% Fourier transform source term
v_tilde = fft(v);
% vector of wave numbers
k = (2*pi/L)*[0:(J/2-1) (-J/2):(-1)]';
k(1) = 1;
% Calculate Fourier transform of u
u_tilde = -v_tilde./k.^2;
% Inverse Fourier transform to obtain u
u = real(ifft(u_tilde));
% Specify arbitrary constant by forcing corner u = 0;
u = u - u(1);

Poisson1D.mProf. Succi

Слайд 11GetElectric.m
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"

function E = GetElectric( phi, L )
% Calculate electric field from potential
J = length(phi);
dx = L/J;
% E(j) = (phi(j-1) - phi(j+1)) / (2*dx)
E = (circshift(phi,1)-circshift(phi,-1))/(2*dx);

GetElectric.mProf. Succi

Слайд 12Results
Prof. Succi

"Computational Fluid Dynamics"
ResultsProf. Succi

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