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Expressive Means of the English Language

MetaphorMetaphor – is an interrelation between the logical and contextual meanings which is based on a likeness between the objects and implies comparison between them. Metaphor is the author’s individual vision.

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Слайд 1Expressive Means of the English Language

Expressive Means of the English Language

Слайд 2Metaphor
Metaphor – is an interrelation between the logical and contextual

meanings which is based on a likeness between the objects

and implies comparison between them. Metaphor is the author’s individual vision. Metaphor is transference of a name from one object to another on the basis of some common feature. It is a hidden comparison. No comparing words are used.
e.g. Take away love and our earth is tomb.

Metaphor may be expressed by any part of the sentence, by any part of speech, sometimes it may be expressed by a whole passage and sometimes by a whole book. Some linguists believe that metaphor is not so much a transference of meaning but the interaction of the primary and secondary meanings of the word.
e.g. The eyes are the windows of the soul.

MetaphorMetaphor – is an interrelation between the logical and contextual meanings which is based on a likeness

Слайд 3Epithet
Epithet is a word or phrase used to describe a

person or thing disclosing the author’s subjective, expressive and emotionally

colored attitude to them. This stylistic device is based on the interrelation between logical and emotive meanings of the word. Epithets may be metaphorical when they imply .



EpithetEpithet is a word or phrase used to describe a person or thing disclosing the author’s subjective,

Слайд 4Epithet may be expressed by a one-member sentence.
e.g. Fool! Pig!

A type of epithet which presents a special interest is

called a phrase epithet or loose compound. It’s the combination of a phrase or a whole sentence into an attribute: She was in one of her why-did-I-marry-you moods. She had a white cool go-to-hell mouth.

One more epithet which is characteristic of English and can be found in Russian is the so-called syntactic or reversed epithet: a monster of a dog, a ghost of a smile, a moon of a face. It is based on the illogical syntactical relations between the modifier and the modified: what is modified stands in the position of a modifier (e.g. a very idiot of the kettle).

Epithet may be expressed by a one-member sentence.e.g. Fool! Pig! Dog!A type of epithet which presents a

Слайд 5Simile
Simile is of the same nature as metaphor, it shows

likeness in dissimilar objects. The difference is between implicit imagery

and explicit imagery, between image by analogy and image by identification in case of metaphor.
e.g. Mr. Brown fought like a lion. (simile)
Mr. Brown is a real lion. (metaphor)
Simile is an imaginative comparison.
SimileSimile is of the same nature as metaphor, it shows likeness in dissimilar objects. The difference is

Слайд 6Personification
Personification – is a trope in which an inanimate object

or abstract ideas are endowed /au/ with human qualities. It

creates the general mood of the utterance, makes the description more dynamic, allows to make abstractions tangible (ясными, ощутимыми). The markers of personification are pronouns (he, she, thou) and capital letters: The Red Rose whispers of passion, the White Rose breathes of love, oh the Red Rose is a falcon and the White Rose is a dove. (O’Reiley). – It’s original personification.
Time flies. – Trite personification.

Every case of personification is a metaphor.

PersonificationPersonification – is a trope in which an inanimate object or abstract ideas are endowed /au/ with

Слайд 7Antithesis
Antithesis – is a device based on the opposition of

two contrasting ideas or notions in close neighborhood. Antithesis helps

to create the understanding of the complex nature of some phenomena or it emphasizes the contrasting features: Youth like summer morn (morning), age like winter weather. Youth is lovely, age is lonely. Youth is fiery, age is frosty.
AntithesisAntithesis – is a device based on the opposition of two contrasting ideas or notions in close

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