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Friends for my live 

My friend's name Aias Hurumaa. He's my best friend. I've known him since childhood, and we still talk. He graduated from high school number one and is now studying in Tomsk

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Friends for my live
Выполнил: Монгуш Сылдыс,

10 «Б» класс.

Friends for my liveВыполнил: Монгуш Сылдыс,         10 «Б» класс.

Слайд 2 My friend's name Aias Hurumaa. He's my best friend. I've

known him since childhood, and we still talk. He graduated

from high school number one and is now studying in Tomsk in TUSUR. He loves to play soccer, listen to music and of course girls. Iappreciate it for what it is not when you do not leave me in thebidet and, if possible, always helps. Our common interests: soccer, basketball, etc.
My friend's name Aias Hurumaa. He's my best friend. I've known him since childhood, and we still

Слайд 3 This is another name Aydys Ducten- ool. He also graduated

from high school number one, and is now studying in

Krasnoyarsk. He loves to play basketball, as I listen to music. He was a little lazy,but also ready to come to my assistance at any time. I really appreciate my friends and I value them. I am glad that I have such friends.
This is another name Aydys Ducten- ool. He also graduated from high school number one, and is

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