Разделы презентаций


StructureGross domestic productEmployment and unemploymentCurrent account imbalancesMisaligned exchange ratesInterest rates, volatile capital flows and exchange rate instabilityFinancial liberalization and the financialization of commodity marketsGlobal rebalancing and recovery contributions

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1GLOBAL IMBALANCES after 2008


Слайд 2Structure
Gross domestic product
Employment and unemployment
Current account imbalances
Misaligned exchange rates
Interest rates,

volatile capital flows and exchange rate instability
Financial liberalization and the

financialization of commodity markets
Global rebalancing and recovery contributions

StructureGross domestic productEmployment and unemploymentCurrent account imbalancesMisaligned exchange ratesInterest rates, volatile capital flows and exchange rate instabilityFinancial

Слайд 3Gross domestic product
The fast shifting balance in the world economy

is reflected in the decline in the share of developed

countries in global gross domestic product (GDP).
Gross domestic product The fast shifting balance in the world economy is reflected in the decline in

Слайд 4Employment and unemployment
The lasting labour market impact in major developed

countries poses fresh challenges and risks to the continuation of

positive runs in job creation and poverty reduction in the developing world.
Employment and unemploymentThe lasting labour market impact in major developed countries poses fresh challenges and risks to

Слайд 5Current account imbalances
Current account imbalances may arise for a number

of reasons and are not indicative per se of a

systemic problem that needs coordinated intervention. Rather, it is the loss of competitiveness at the national level that causes an unsustainable current account deficit.

Current account imbalances Current account imbalances may arise for a number of reasons and are not indicative

Слайд 6Misaligned exchange rates
Since the end of the multilateral Bretton Woods

exchange rate system, non-orderly floating of currencies has prevailed, featuring

large exchange rate swings and persistent misalignments.
Misaligned exchange rates Since the end of the multilateral Bretton Woods exchange rate system, non-orderly floating of

Слайд 7Interest rates, volatile capital flows and exchange rate instability
In the

absence of proper global governance, global finance has become dominated

by herd-like short-term risk-reward calculations that may ignore the gradual build-up of economic imbalances and related financial fragilities for a long time. 
Interest rates, volatile capital flows and exchange rate instability In the absence of proper global governance, global

Слайд 8Financial liberalization and the financialization of commodity markets
Greater market transparency

and tighter regulatory measures are called for to contain the

price impact of financial investors and the associated risk of price bubbles.
Financial liberalization and the financialization of commodity markets Greater market transparency and tighter regulatory measures are called

Слайд 9Global rebalancing and recovery contributions
Developing countries at large have contributed

disproportionately to global rebalancing and recovery, while an increasing number

of them have reached the point where rising current account deficits signal future risks of fragility and crisis.
Global rebalancing and recovery contributions Developing countries at large have contributed disproportionately to global rebalancing and recovery,

Слайд 10Literature


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