Разделы презентаций

Going shopping


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Going shopping

Going shopping

Слайд 2florist’s


Слайд 3Shoe shop

Shoe shop

Слайд 4newsagent’s


Слайд 5chemist’s


Слайд 6record shop

record shop

Слайд 7greengrocer’s


Слайд 8bakery


Слайд 9jeweller’s


Слайд 10Fast food restaurant

Fast food restaurant

Слайд 11Book shop

Book shop

Слайд 12Clothes shop

Clothes shop

Слайд 13Toy shop

Toy shop

Слайд 14Complete the sentences. Use the names of the shops in

the frame.
• We buy bouquets at ________________.
• I love cakes. I buy

them at ____________.
• When I need pills I go to ______.
• I want to buy a book of sonnets by W. Shakespeare. So I need to find the nearest ______________.
• Mummy, where can I buy a new CD of Diana Krall? – You can do it at ______________. It’s in jazz section.
Complete the sentences. Use the names of the shops in the frame.•	We buy bouquets at ________________.•	I love

Слайд 16a CD
a pair of shoes
A magazine
A ring
a CD
some aspirin
Some tulips

A teddy bear

a CDa pair of shoesA magazineA ringa CDsome aspirinSome tulipsA skirtA teddy bear

Слайд 18Fill in the gaps with a/an, the.

He has got ____

cat. ____ cat is on the sofa.
She sees ____ monkey.

____ monkey is funny.
We have got ____ house. ____ house is big.
They see ____ flower. ____ flower is red.
I read ____ book. ____ book is very interesting.

Fill in the gaps with a/an, the. He has got ____ cat. ____ cat is on the

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