Разделы презентаций

головокружительная презентация _ time _ mishkie

He gets upat seven o’clockSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2He gets up
at seven o’clock
Spin the wheel and make a


He gets upat seven o’clockSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 3He watches TV
at nine o’clock
Spin the wheel and make a


He watches TVat nine o’clockSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 4He takes a shower
at a quarter past seven
Spin the wheel

and make a sentence

He takes a showerat a quarter past sevenSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 5He gets dressed
at a quarter to eight
Spin the wheel and

make a sentence

He gets dressedat a quarter to eightSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 6They have breakfast
at eight o’clock
Spin the wheel and make a


They have breakfastat eight o’clockSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 7He brushes his teeth
at five past eight
Spin the wheel and

make a sentence

He brushes his teethat five past eightSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 8He walks his dog
at half-past eight
Spin the wheel and make

a sentence

He walks his dogat half-past eightSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 9He plays video games
at ten past six
Spin the wheel and

make a sentence

He plays video gamesat ten past sixSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 10He takes a nap
at a quarter to four
Spin the wheel

and make a sentence

He takes a napat a quarter to fourSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 11He takes a bath
at ten to nine
Spin the wheel and

make a sentence

He takes a bathat ten to nineSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 12She goes to school
at five to nine
Spin the wheel and

make a sentence

She goes to schoolat five to nineSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 13He does his homework
at five o’clock
Spin the wheel and make

a sentence

He does his homeworkat five o’clockSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 14He feeds his dog
at half-past seven
Spin the wheel and make

a sentence

He feeds his dogat half-past sevenSpin the wheel and make a sentence

Слайд 15She goes to bed
at half-past nine
Spin the wheel and make

a sentence

She goes to bedat half-past nineSpin the wheel and make a sentence

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