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Gorodets painting

Gorodets painting appeared in the city of Gorodets of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Gorodets painting features free brushstrokes with white and black graphic strokes.     As a rule, all

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Слайд 1Gorodets painting
Performed: Maria Svinareva

Gorodets paintingPerformed: Maria Svinareva

Слайд 2 Gorodets painting appeared in the city of Gorodets of

the Nizhny Novgorod province.
Gorodets painting features free

brushstrokes with white and black graphic strokes.     As a rule, all the elements painting are made of red, pink, blue, blue, green and black colors on a bright yellow background.
Gorodets painting appeared in the city of Gorodets of the Nizhny Novgorod province.   Gorodets

Слайд 3 The most famous hand products were Gorodets spinning

wheels. It was from them that the famous Gorodets painting

was spread.
The most famous hand products were Gorodets spinning wheels. It was from them that the

Слайд 4 Gorodets painting differs in that it has a plot. Masters

loved to depict walks of cavaliers with ladies, horsemen, tea

drinking scenes, and many other scenes from folk life.
Gorodets painting differs in that it has a plot. Masters loved to depict walks of cavaliers

Слайд 5 Gorodets painting is quite difficult to confuse with another. The

painting has a large number of plant motifs. These are

lush garlands, bouquets of flowers resembling roses and daisies.
Gorodets painting is quite difficult to confuse with another. The painting has a large number of

Слайд 7The painting has a large number of birds that amaze

with their beauty.

The painting has a large number of birds that amaze with their beauty.

Слайд 8Also in the painting you can find both fabulous and

real animals. Such as lions, horses, bears and even the

mountain snake.
Also in the painting you can find both fabulous and real animals. Such as lions, horses, bears

Слайд 10Google test

Google test https://forms.gle/qU45GLnahoDN9Hk77

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