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Happy Valentine’s Day

The ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia honored love. (t/f)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1
Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day

Слайд 2The ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia honored love. (t/f)

The ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia honored love. (t/f)

Слайд 3On this day, young people in ancient Rome chose future

marriage partners by drawing names from a hat.(t/f)

On this day, young people in ancient Rome chose future marriage partners by drawing names from a

Слайд 4Find the suitable symbol

Find the suitable symbol

Слайд 5What do you need to kiss to turn it into

a Prince?

What do you need to kiss to turn it into a Prince?

Слайд 6This is a popular day for___ to get engaged. enemies

spouses sweethearts

This is a popular day for___ to get engaged.  enemies  spouses  sweethearts

Слайд 7What flower is most commonly symbolic of Valentine's Day?

What flower is most commonly symbolic of Valentine's Day?

Слайд 8What happens to someone struck by Cupid's arrow?
Lovesick Headache Measles

What happens to someone struck by Cupid's arrow?Lovesick Headache Measles

Слайд 9Valentine’s Day is said to be named after what?

saint A knight A poet

Valentine’s Day is said to be named after what? A saint   A knight  A

Слайд 10On what date is Valentines Day celebrated?

On what date is Valentines Day celebrated?

Слайд 11St. Valentine's Day is named___ a saint.
with after from

St. Valentine's Day is named___ a saint. with  after from

Слайд 12Many couples go out on romantic (dates/meetings) on Valentine's Day.

Many couples go out on romantic (dates/meetings) on Valentine's Day.

Слайд 13Who said - Gravitation is not responsible for people falling

in love?

Who said - Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love?

Слайд 14Saint Valentine is a patron of love and ….


Bee keepers

Saint Valentine is a patron of love and ….        Actors

Слайд 15Whose son is Cupid


Whose son is Cupid    Venus     Psyche

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