Разделы презентаций

Hello, teacher!


Autumn starts in SeptemberLeaves fall down on the ground.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Hello, teacher!
Hello September.

Hello, teacher!Hello September.

Слайд 2Autumn starts in September
Leaves fall down on the ground.

Autumn starts in SeptemberLeaves fall down on the ground.

Слайд 3Spot the leaf. Leaf – leaves

Spot the leaf.  Leaf – leaves

Слайд 4Yellow leaves
Pink leaves
Brown leaves
Purple leaves
Red leaves
Black leaves
Green leaves
Grey leaves
Orange leaves

Yellow leavesPink leavesBrown leavesPurple leavesRed leavesBlack leavesGreen leavesGrey leavesOrange leaves

Слайд 5How many leaves can you see?
11 - Eleven
I can

see eleven leaves.

How many leaves can you see?11 - Eleven I can see eleven leaves.

Слайд 6How many leaves can you see?
12 - Twelve
I can

see twelve leaves.

How many leaves can you see?12 - Twelve I can see twelve leaves.

Слайд 7How many leaves can you see?
13 - Thirteen
I can

see thirteen leaves.

How many leaves can you see?13 - Thirteen I can see thirteen leaves.

Слайд 8How many leaves can you see?
14 - Fourteen
I can

see fourteen leaves.

How many leaves can you see?14 - Fourteen I can see fourteen leaves.

Слайд 9How many leaves can you see?
15 - fifteen
I can

see fifteen leaves.

How many leaves can you see?15 - fifteen I can see fifteen leaves.

Слайд 10Let’s read together

Let’s read together

Слайд 11Autumn leaves are changing colours.
Autumn leaves are falling down.
Take a

rake and rake them up!
Make a pile and jump in!

Autumn leaves are changing colours.Autumn leaves are falling down.Take a rake and rake them up!Make a pile

Слайд 12Let’s sing a song together

Let’s sing a song together

Слайд 14Phonetic exercises.

Phonetic exercises.

Слайд 15U /ʌ/

U /ʌ/jugmugbug

Слайд 16U /ʌ/
Sun up

U /ʌ/upsunSun up

Слайд 17U /ʌ/
Bug up
Dog up
Wake up

U /ʌ/Bug upDog upWake up

Слайд 18U /ʌ/
Get up

U /ʌ/Get upHug

Слайд 19U /ʌ/
We are in the bus.

U /ʌ/We are in the bus.

Слайд 20Let’s watch together and repeat.

Let’s watch together and repeat.

Слайд 22Good morning, everyone!
How are you?
We are fine, thank you.
We are

great, thank you.
Come in.
Sit down, please.

Good morning, everyone!How are you?We are fine, thank you.We are great, thank you.Come in.Sit down, please.

Слайд 23Meet the Be family.

Meet the Be family.

Слайд 24Be - быть

Be - бытьamisarenot

Слайд 25is


Слайд 26Let’s repeat
How many … ?

Let’s repeatHow many … ?

Слайд 27Are there three bananas?
Yes, there are.

Are there three bananas?Yes, there are.

Слайд 28Are there two carrots?
Yes, there are.

Are there two carrots?Yes, there are.

Слайд 29Are there six peas?
Yes, there are.

Are there six peas?Yes, there are.

Слайд 30Are there nine beans?
No, there aren’t.
There is one bean.

Are there nine beans?No, there aren’t. There is one bean.

Слайд 31Are there nine beans?
No, there aren’t.
There is one bean.

Are there nine beans?No, there aren’t. There is one bean.

Слайд 32Are there eight peppers?
No, there aren’t.
There are four peppers.

Are there eight peppers?No, there aren’t. There are four peppers.

Слайд 33Are there ten grapes?
No, there aren’t.
There are seven grapes.

Are there ten grapes?No, there aren’t.There are seven grapes.

Слайд 34Are there six melons?
No, there aren’t.
There is one melon.

Are there six melons?No, there aren’t. There is one melon.

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