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History of coal mining

Coal mining is a worldwide basic industry. The existence of vast coal reserves in many parts of the world guarantees its future importance. There is archeological evidence that coal was burned

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Слайд 1History of coal mining
Выполнил: ст.гр. РМ-11-1
Ананьева Н.А.
Проверил: Сокрут Н.А.

History of coal miningВыполнил: ст.гр. РМ-11-1Ананьева Н.А.Проверил: Сокрут Н.А.

Слайд 2Coal mining is a worldwide basic industry. The existence of

vast coal reserves in many parts of the world guarantees

its future importance. There is archeological evidence that coal was burned in funeral pyres during the Bronze Age, 3000 to 4000 years ago, in Wales.
Coal mining is a worldwide basic industry. The existence of vast coal reserves in many parts of

Слайд 3The Hopi Indians (now – the southeastern United States) mined

coal and used it for heating, cooking and in ceremonial

chambers as early as the XIIth century AD; in the XIVth century they used in industrially in pottery making.
The Hopi Indians (now – the southeastern United States) mined coal and used it for heating, cooking

Слайд 4In the first shafts mines, coal was loaded into baskets

that were carried on the back of men and women.

Sometimes they were put on wooden sledges or trams that were then pushed through the main haulage roadway. Sledges were pulled first by men and later by animals.
In the first shafts mines, coal was loaded into baskets that were carried on the back of

Слайд 5The introduction of the steam engine to hoist coal was

a major turning point for the industry. Compressed-air locomotives, which

appeared in the 1880s were expensive to operate. Electric locomotives, introduced in 1887, rapidly became popular, but mules and horses were still working in some mines as late as the 1940s.

The introduction of the steam engine to hoist coal was a major turning point for the industry.

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