Разделы презентаций

How do teens from different countries spend their free time?

Word that can help you:Sports: football, rugby, cricket, swimming, horse-riding, tennis, baseball, basketball, boating, camping, netballHobbies: watching TV, listening to music, reading, collecting, photography, art, school bands, chatting online Jobs: working

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1How do teens from different countries spend their free time?

How do teens from different countries spend their free time?

Слайд 2Word that can help you:
Sports: football, rugby, cricket, swimming, horse-riding,

tennis, baseball, basketball, boating, camping, netball
Hobbies: watching TV, listening to

music, reading, collecting, photography, art, school bands, chatting online
Jobs: working in shops, delivering newspapers, helping in the yard, car washing, working with elderly people in nursing homes, working in a fast food restaurant, working in a local supermarket
Clubs/organisations: Scouts, Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades, Boys’ Clubs of America, 4-H Clubs, Girl Guides
Word that can help you:Sports: football, rugby, cricket, swimming, horse-riding, tennis, baseball, basketball, boating, camping, netballHobbies: watching

Слайд 3Choose text A, B, or C and read it aloud

(Чтение текста на выбор вслух)

Choose text A, B, or C and read it aloud (Чтение текста на выбор вслух)ABC

Слайд 4Answer the questions on your text. (ответь на вопросы по

выбранному тобой тексту)

Answer the questions on your text. (ответь на вопросы по выбранному тобой тексту)

Слайд 5Using your answers fill in the part of the table

(2) p.156)in your exercise book (use the words at the


Заполни в тетради только ту часть таблицы, которая относится к тексту, над которым ты работаешь (воспользуйся словами в начале)

Text A

Text B

Text C

Фото таблицы присылаем в ЛС.

Using your answers fill in the part of the table (2) p.156)in your exercise book (use the

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