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HR NEWS 2015

Signed a law sets deadlines for reporting the reasons for refusal to hire Part five of article 64 of the Code in the new edition: "Upon the written request of the

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Слайд 1HR NEWS 2015
Signed a law sets deadlines for reporting the

reasons for refusal to hire
Russia and Greece in last place

on the effectiveness of labor

HR NEWS  2015Signed a law sets deadlines for reporting the reasons for refusal to hireRussia and

Слайд 2Signed a law sets deadlines for reporting the reasons for

refusal to hire

Part five of article 64 of the Code

in the new edition: "Upon the written request of the person who was denied an employment contract, the employer must report the reason for the refusal in writing no later than within seven working days from the date of such request ".
Signed a law sets deadlines for reporting the reasons for refusal to hire Part five of article

Слайд 3Russia and Greece in last place on the effectiveness of

the lowest GDP growth for an hour of work
the average

for the European Union it is $ 50. In Russia - $ 25.9 in Greece - $ 36.

a large number of hours spent at work does not have a positive effect on the economy
Russians spend at work 1982 hours a year, the Greeks - 2034 hours per year.

Russia and Greece in last place on the effectiveness of labor the lowest GDP growth for an

Слайд 4Thank you for the attention!
Khabarova Marina

Thank you for the attention!Khabarova Marina16.09.2015

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