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Hurum osmosis power plant

LocationThe power plant is located in Tofte, Norway

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Hurum osmosis power plant

Hurum osmosis power plant

Слайд 2Location
The power plant is located in Tofte, Norway

LocationThe power plant is located in Tofte, Norway

Слайд 3Company
Statkraft is Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy and is

the leading power company in Norway.

CompanyStatkraft is Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy and is the leading power company in Norway.

Слайд 4Source of energy
Salt water
Fresh water

Source of energySalt waterFresh water

Слайд 5Environment
It is clean
It doesn’t produce any gases.
May harm the marine


EnvironmentAdvantagesIt is cleanIt doesn’t produce any gases.DisadvantagesMay harm the marine enviroment

Слайд 6the history of the plant
This plant had been planned

since the summer of 2008
The plant began test power production

on November 2009
the history of the plant This plant had been planned since the summer of 2008The plant began

Слайд 7Investments
Statkraft spent more then 100 million kroner( about $12 million


InvestmentsStatkraft spent more then 100 million kroner( about $12 million USD )

Слайд 8The principle of work

The principle of work

Слайд 9Capacity
Capacity is between 2-4 kW, but it can be increased

to about 10kW
With a power efficiency of the membranes of

5 watt/m2 a 25 MW production of electricity would require 5,000,000 m2 of membrane area
CapacityCapacity is between 2-4 kW, but it can be increased to about 10kWWith a power efficiency of

Слайд 10Conclusion
It is clean
It is renewable
minimal environmental impact
It is expensive
It may harm

the marine environment
Small capacity.

ConclusionAdvantagesIt is cleanIt is renewableminimal environmental impactDisadvantagesIt is expensiveIt may harm the marine environmentSmall capacity.

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