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In the Old Days

What did people use for money in the past?yasamansamsami@gmail.com

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Слайд 1In the Old Days
By Yasaman SamsamiRad

In the Old DaysBy Yasaman SamsamiRadyasamansamsami@gmail.com

Слайд 2What did people use for money in the past?

What did people use for money in the past?yasamansamsami@gmail.com

Слайд 3What did people use for CD players in the past?

What did people use for CD players in the past?

Слайд 4What did people use for the bandages in the past?

What did people use for the bandages in the past?

Слайд 5The Chinese invented paper and printing. Before paper money and

coins, people used to trade for things they needed. Later,

they began to use shells, jewels, or tea leaves.


The Chinese invented paper and printing. Before paper money and coins, people used to trade for things

Слайд 6In 1877, Thomas Edison recorded human speech for the first

time. For many years, people used to play records made

of plastic on gramophones.


In 1877, Thomas Edison recorded human speech for the first time. For many years, people used to

Слайд 7Earle Dickson invented the Band-Aid in 1920. Before that, people

had different ways to protect a wound. They used to

chew up leaves and put them in the wound, put in spider webs, or pack the cut with sawdust.


Earle Dickson invented the Band-Aid in 1920. Before that, people had different ways to protect a wound.

Слайд 8The first umbrellas were for shade from the sun, not

for rain. People used to make them from palm leaves,

feathers, or paper. Later, they put oil on the paper to keep rain from coming through.


The first umbrellas were for shade from the sun, not for rain. People used to make them

Слайд 9What did people use for money in the past?
When did

someone invent bandages?
Why did people use umbrellas in the past?

recorded human speech for the first time?


What did people use for money in the past?When did someone invent bandages?Why did people use umbrellas

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