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International Economics


Learning Objectives (1 of 2)2.1 Classify with examples the main types of international economic organizations.2.2 Identify economic circumstances in which the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO are active.2.3 Compare

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Слайд 1International Economics
Seventh Edition, Global Edition
Chapter 2
International Economics Institutions Since World

War II
Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

International EconomicsSeventh Edition, Global EditionChapter 2International Economics Institutions Since World War IICopyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Ltd.

Слайд 2Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
2.1 Classify with examples the main

types of international economic organizations.
2.2 Identify economic circumstances in which

the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO are active.
2.3 Compare the different levels of integration found in regional trade agreements with examples.
Learning Objectives (1 of 2)2.1 Classify with examples the main types of international economic organizations.2.2 Identify economic

Слайд 3Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
2.4 Analyze the roles of international

economic organizations.
2.5 Debate the pros and cons of international organizations.

Learning Objectives (2 of 2)2.4 Analyze the roles of international economic organizations.2.5 Debate the pros and cons

Слайд 4International Institutions since World War II
Economists define institutions as the

rules that govern and constrain behavior.
Institutions define what is permitted

and what is prohibited.
Institutions can be formal or informal.
Formal institutions are written, often embodied in laws, codes, constitutions.
Informal are customs or tradition such as manners and etiquette.
Formal institutions are often be embodied in a organization.
International Institutions since World War IIEconomists define institutions as the rules that govern and constrain behavior.Institutions define

Слайд 5Table 2.1: Categories of International Institutions, with Examples

Table 2.1: Categories of International Institutions, with Examples

Слайд 6MCQ 2.1
Informal institutions are
A) the same thing as organizations. B) a

written set of rules governing behavior.
C) associations of individuals

or groups. D) embodied in traditions and customs.

MCQ 2.1Informal institutions are A) the same thing as organizations. B) a written set of rules governing

Слайд 7The IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO
Three international organizations

play major roles in international economic relations:

The International Monetary Fund

The World Bank
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
The IMF, the World Bank, and the WTOThree international organizations play major roles in international economic relations:The

Слайд 8The Bretton Woods Conference
The Bretton Woods Conference, held in 1944

at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, was a gathering of leaders

from the Allied Powers.
The goal was to create a more stable and prosperous world economy.
They wished to avoid the problems of the 1930s by creating institutions and organizations that would define rules for trade and international payments.
The Bretton Woods ConferenceThe Bretton Woods Conference, held in 1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, was a

Слайд 9The IMF (1 of 2)
The IMF was created at Bretton

Woods in 1944.
It began operation in 1945 with 29 members;

today it has 188.
It is funded by a quota each member pays; the quota is proportional to the size of their economy and determines how many votes it has.
The primary purpose of the IMF is to assist in the creation of a stable, crisis free, system of international payments between countries.
Its main activities are to provide technical and financial assistance to countries that have debt problems or an unstable currency.
The IMF (1 of 2)The IMF was created at Bretton Woods in 1944.It began operation in 1945

Слайд 10The IMF (2 of 2)
The IMF is an international lender

of last resort.
It provides loans to countries that cannot make

payments on their debts and that cannot borrow elsewhere.
The loans are limited in size and come with a set of requirements, called IMF conditionality.
The IMF monitors exchange rates and assists countries when their currencies collapse in value.
An increasingly important role is to provide standards and technical assistance for the international reporting of economic and financial data.
The IMF (2 of 2)The IMF is an international lender of last resort.It provides loans to countries

Слайд 11The World Bank
Also created at Bretton Woods with a membership

and structure similar to the IMF.
Countries buy shares and the

number of shares determines their voting rights.
Originally intended as a mechanism to rebuild Europe after World War II
Its main function today is to provide capital and technical assistance for economic development.
The World BankAlso created at Bretton Woods with a membership and structure similar to the IMF.Countries buy

Слайд 12The GATT (1 of 4)
The General Agreement on Tariffs and

Trade (GATT) was envisioned at Bretton Woods but did not

start until 1950.
Its main purpose is to provide a forum for discussing trade rules and a mechanism for gradually opening markets to more international trade.
The GATT works through trade rounds.
Trade rounds are formal discussions about new rules for reducing trade barriers.
The GATT (1 of 4)The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was envisioned at Bretton Woods

Слайд 13The GATT (2 of 4)
Initially the GATT focused on proportional

tariff reductions and elimination of quotas.
It did not promote free

trade, it promoted “freer” trade.
Proportional tariff reductions require each country to reduce tariffs by the same percentage but tariffs remain different.
By the 1970s, new issues arose that required discussion and negotiations:
Subsidies for industry that gave advantages;
Problems of selling goods at artificially low prices;
Barriers to trade in new areas, such as services
The GATT (2 of 4)Initially the GATT focused on proportional tariff reductions and elimination of quotas.It did

Слайд 14The GATT (3 of 4)
The Uruguay Round was a new

set of rules that began in 1995.
It created the World

Trade Organization to serve as the umbrella organization for all agreements.
It extended trade agreements into services, agriculture, patent protections, international investment rules, and others.
In 2001, the Doha Round opened discussion.
Its primary focus was meant to be on the issues of concern to developing countries.
It proposed a Doha Development Agenda
It is the first round of talks to fail; a major reason is the inability of advanced economies to lower their trade barriers in agriculture.
The GATT (3 of 4)The Uruguay Round was a new set of rules that began in 1995.It

Слайд 15The GATT (4 of 4)
The GATT remains in effect and

is the primary agreement overseen by the WTO.
The two guiding

principles of the GATT are national treatment and nondiscrimination.
National treatment means that foreign goods must be treated the same as national goods.
Nondiscrimination prohibits different tariffs or rules for different countries. This is the principle of most favored nation status.
All WTO members must adhere to these rules when trading with other WTO members.
The GATT (4 of 4)The GATT remains in effect and is the primary agreement overseen by the

Слайд 16Table 2.2 The GATT Rounds

Table 2.2 The GATT Rounds

Слайд 17MCQ 2.2
The international organization that serves as a forum

for trade discussions and the development of trade rules is

A) the World Bank. B) the WTO.
C) the IMF.
D) the APEC.

MCQ  2.2The international organization that serves as a forum for trade discussions and the development of

Слайд 18MCQ。 2.3
One of the most important and most visible roles

of the IMF is to
A) hold regular negotiations over tariff

reductions. B) intercede by invitation when countries cannot pay their international debts.
C) investigate countries that are charged with being unfair traders. D) provide capital to countries that need capital to develop their economies.

MCQ。 2.3One of the most important and most visible roles of the IMF is to A) hold

Слайд 19MCQ。 2.4
From the late 1940s until 1995, the organization that

was primarily responsible for conducting rounds of trade negotiations was

A) World Bank. B) IMF.

MCQ。 2.4From the late 1940s until 1995, the organization that was primarily responsible for conducting rounds of

Слайд 202.5
Original mission of the World Bank was to
A) provide capital

to firms around the world. B provide capital to underdeveloped countries. C)

provide financial assistance for the reconstruction of war-damaged nations.
D) provide a safe place for people around the world to put their money.

2.5Original mission of the World Bank was to A) provide capital to firms around the world. B

Слайд 21MCQ。 2.6
IMF conditionality refers to the
A) technical assistance the IMF

gives. B) minimum size of a national debt problem that a

country must have before the IMF gets
involved. C) changes in policies a country must make in order to receive IMF financial assistance.
D) minimum-sized loan the IMF will make.

MCQ。 2.6IMF conditionality refers to the A) technical assistance the IMF gives. B) minimum size of a

Слайд 22MCQ。 2.7
When the Germany gives most favored nation status to

France, it means that

A) France is treated better than

Germany’s other trading partners. B) France is treated worse than Germany’s other trading partners. C) France is treated the same as Germany’s other trading partners.
D) France is better than all other nations in the WTO.

MCQ。 2.7When the Germany gives most favored nation status to France, it means that A) France is

Слайд 23Regional Trade Agreements (1 of 5)
Regional trade agreements (RTA) can

Bilateral (two members);
Plurilateral (several members);
Multilateral (open to everyone that wants

to join).
There are five levels of RTA:
Partial agreement
Free trade area
Customs union
Common market
Economic union
Regional Trade Agreements (1 of 5)Regional trade agreements (RTA) can be:Bilateral (two members);Plurilateral (several members);Multilateral (open to

Слайд 24Regional Trade Agreements (2 of 5)
Each level increases in complexity

and includes the prior levels.
Partial agreement: Free trade in one

or a few products.
Free trade area: Free trade in all goods and services (outputs).
Customs union: An FTA plus a common external tariff.
Common market: A customs union plus free movement of labor and capital (inputs).
Economic union: A common market plus substantial harmonization of economic policies.
Regional Trade Agreements (2 of 5)Each level increases in complexity and includes the prior levels.Partial agreement: Free

Слайд 25Regional Trade Agreements (3 of 5)
Examples of prominent RTA:
North American

Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA);
Common Market of the South (Mercosur);

Trade Area (AFTA);
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS);
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC);
The European Union (EU).
Regional Trade Agreements (3 of 5)Examples of prominent RTA:North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA);Common Market of the

Слайд 26MCQ. 2.8
European Union is an example of an RTA that

is being progressed into

A) a Free Trade Area. B) a

customs union. C) an economic union.
D) a common market.

MCQ. 2.8European Union is an example of an RTA that is being progressed into A) a Free

Слайд 27MCQ. 2.9
A free trade agreement plus a common set of

tariffs toward non-members plus free movement of factors of production

is called
A) a common market. B) a free trade area.
C) a customs union.
D) an economic union.

MCQ. 2.9A free trade agreement plus a common set of tariffs toward non-members plus free movement of

Слайд 28Regional Trade Agreements (4 of 5)
RTA have grown in number.

In 2012, 338 were active, most of them created since

Most agreements have exceptions: free trade agreements do not usually have 100% free trade.
RTA violate the nondiscrimination rule of the GATT and WTO; countries treat member countries better than others.
The WTO allows this as long as trade creation is greater than trade diversion.
Trade creation: New trade created by the agreement;
Trade diversion: Trade that is diverted from a non-member to a member.
Regional Trade Agreements (4 of 5)RTA have grown in number. In 2012, 338 were active, most of

Слайд 29Regional Trade Agreements (5 of 5)
Proponents of RTA claim the

They help world trade by reducing some barriers;
They allow countries

to try new agreements that can potentially be used later in WTO negotiations;
They encourage WTO agreement by offering an alternative in case the WTO is stalled.
Opponents argue:
They divert attention from multilateral negotiations and undermine the WTO;
They rarely, if ever, lead to a WTO agreement;
They often discriminate against poorer nations.
Regional Trade Agreements (5 of 5)Proponents of RTA claim the following:They help world trade by reducing some

Слайд 30Why Have International Institutions?
International institutions provide public goods.
Public goods are

nonexcludable: Everyone benefits even if they do not pay.
Public goods

are nonrival (nondiminishable): They are not diminished by consuming them.
Public goods have a free rider problem.
The two most important characteristics of public goods provided by international institutions are:
Increased international economic order;
Increased certainty about the behavior of other nations.
Why Have International Institutions?International institutions provide public goods.Public goods are nonexcludable: Everyone benefits even if they do

Слайд 31Four Public Goods Provided by International Institutions
Open markets in recessions

Capital flows to less-developed countries (World Bank);
International money for paying

international debts (IMF);
Last resort lending (IMF).

Four Public Goods Provided by International InstitutionsOpen markets in recessions (GATT/WTO);Capital flows to less-developed countries (World Bank);International

Слайд 32Criticisms of International Institutions (1 of 2)
Sovereignty and transparency.
Countries receiving

assistance, particularly from the IMF, are sometimes required to give

up the ability to set their own policies.
Decision making in the institutions is not transparent; because the U.S. and Europe have the largest voting bloc, decisions are sometimes viewed as having been directed by rich countries.
Criticisms of International Institutions (1 of 2)Sovereignty and transparency.Countries receiving assistance, particularly from the IMF, are sometimes

Слайд 33Criticisms of International Institutions (2 of 2)
Critics argue that the

advice, technical assistance, and negotiating positions are often a reflection

of the biases and ideologies of high income countries and do not adequately consider alternative policies.
Implementation and adjustment costs.
There are asymmetries in the fiscal burdens associated with implementing agreements and adjusting to the changes they create; richer countries do better at this than poorer ones.
Criticisms of International Institutions (2 of 2)Ideology.Critics argue that the advice, technical assistance, and negotiating positions are

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