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A question is a common case of inversionHas he packed his suitcase?FORM: BE /MODAL/ AUXILIARY VERB + SUBJECT + VERB

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Слайд 2
A question is a common case of inversion

Has he packed

his suitcase?

A question is a common case of inversionHas he packed his suitcase?FORM: BE /MODAL/ AUXILIARY VERB +

Слайд 3When they come at the beginning of a sentence.

Nowhere (else)

Not (even)once
On no account
Only be

only in this way
Hardly (ever) …

No sooner … than
Not only … but (also)
In no way
In / under no circumstances
Not since, etc

After the following expressions

When they come at the beginning of a sentence.SeldomRarelyLittleBarelyNowhere (else)Never (before)Not (even)onceOn no accountOnly beonly in this

Слайд 4Never have I eaten such an exotic dish.

Not only did

the restaurant owner serve rotten tomatoes but were impolite to

the costumers.

Seldom do I go out since my children were born. (but)
I seldom go out since my children were born.

Never have I eaten such an exotic dish.Not only did the restaurant owner serve rotten tomatoes but

Слайд 5With the expressions ONLY AFTER, ONLY BY, ONLY IF, ONLY

WHEN, NOT UNTIL / TILL, the inversion is in the

main clause.

Only if you have a nourishing diet will you have a healthy life.

Only after trying the recipe several times was she able to get the whipped cream
With the expressions ONLY AFTER, ONLY BY, ONLY IF, ONLY WHEN, NOT UNTIL / TILL, the inversion

Слайд 6Were I you, I would tell the truth
(If I were

Had I been told, I would have asked before.
(If I

had been told)

With conditional sentences

Were I you, I would tell the truth(If I were you)Had I been told, I would have

Слайд 7After verbs of movement or adverbial expressions of place when

they come at the beginning of a sentence.

Outside the house

was a big pine tree.
On the chair lay a cat
Here comes the bus
There she goes (not there goes she because she is a pronoun not a noun.)

After verbs of movement or adverbial expressions of place when they come at the beginning of a

Слайд 8With SO (+) / NEITHER / NOR (-) to express


“I love turkey” - “ so

do I”
“I have been to Brazil” - “so have I”
“I sent her a message” - “So did I”


With SO (+) / NEITHER / NOR (-) to express agreement  “I love turkey”  -

Слайд 9 “I can’t stand spiders” - “Neither

can I”

“ I won’t do that” - “Nor will I”

“I can’t stand spiders” -  “Neither can I”

“I can swim very well” -

“I can’t ”

“ I didn’t do the homework” - “I did”

DISAGREEING   “I can swim very well” -  “I can’t ”

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