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J. К. Rowling's Harry Potter Series

J. K. RowlingJoanne Rowling, pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a British novelist best known as the author of the Harry Potter series.

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Слайд 1J. К. Rowling's
Harry Potter Series

J. К. Rowling'sHarry Potter Series

Слайд 2

J. K. Rowling
Joanne Rowling, pen names J.

K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a British novelist best

known as the author of the Harry Potter series.

J. K. RowlingJoanne Rowling, pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a

Слайд 3J.K. Rowling, was born on July 31, 1965, in Yate,

England. She wanted to be a writer from an early

age. She wrote her first book at six, which she describes as being,“…a work of towering genius about a rabbit, called Rabbit. I gave it to my mother who said, ‘That’s lovely,’ as a mother would. ‘That’s very, very good.’ I stood there, thinking, ‘Well, get it published then.’ Bit of an odd thing for a child of six to think. I don’t know where it came from…”
J.K. Rowling, was born on July 31, 1965, in Yate, England. She wanted to be a writer

Слайд 4 At one time her family lived next door

to two children, Ian and Vikki Potter and they used

to play witches and wizards together. She liked the surname Potter and never forgot these childhood friends.

«A gang of children including myself and my sister used to play together up and down our street in Winterbourne. Two of the gang members were a brother and sister whose surname was Potter. I always liked the name, but then I was always keener on my friends' surnames than my own».

At one time her family lived next door to two children, Ian and Vikki Potter

Слайд 5Joanne — called Jo by her family and friends —

did well in school, and in her senior year was

the top girl in her class. In fact, Rowling has said that as a child she resembled Hermione Granger, Harry's obsessively studious friend, whom she modeled after herself. Although, Rowling notes, "I was neither as clever or as annoying (I hope!)". At school, Rowling's favorite subjects were English and foreign languages.
Joanne — called Jo by her family and friends — did well in school, and in her

Слайд 6 «Harry Potter» was born on a train
«I was going

by train from Manchester to London, sitting there, thinking of

nothing to do with writing and the idea came out of nowhere and I could see Harry very clearly; this scrawny little boy and it was the most physical rush of excitement. I’ve never felt that excited about anything to do with writing. So I’m rummaging through this bag to try and find a pen or a pencil or anything. I didn’t even have an eyeliner on me. So I just had to sit and think. And for four hours, because they train was delayed, I had all these ideas bubbling up through my head.»

«It was that incredibly elated feeling you get when you’ve just met someone with whom you might eventually fall in love. That was . . that was the kind of feeling I had getting off the train ... »

«Harry Potter» was born on a train«I was going by train from Manchester to London, sitting

Слайд 7She married in October 1992 and gave birth to a

daughter in 1993. When the marriage ended, she and Jessica

returned to the UK to live in Edinburgh, where Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone was eventually completed. "I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless." Joanne would often go to Nicholson's café on North Bridge, which was a warm and comfortable place to sit with a cup of coffee where she could write while the baby slept.

«You know – I was not the world’s most secure person. I was someone with not much self-belief at all and yet in this one thing in my life I believed. I felt I can tell a story»

She married in October 1992 and gave birth to a daughter in 1993. When the marriage ended,

Слайд 8 After selling more than four-hundred million copies of this

series it’s hard to believe that twelve publishers rejected the

Sorcerer’s Stone. Thirteen turned-out to be a lucky number. A publisher bewitched by the spectacular tale finally agreed to print it. J. K. signed the deal with a warning from her agent. “You’ll never make money writing children’s books”.
After selling more than four-hundred million copies of this series it’s hard to believe that twelve

Слайд 9Prisoner of Azkaban was published in July of 1999 in

the United Kingdom. After the book sold more than 68,000

copies on the first day of its release in the U.K., American publisher Scholastic ordered an initial print run of half a million copies. The novel quickly took the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list. Along with other honors, Prisoner of Azkaban was named the Whitbread Book of the Year for 1999.
Prisoner of Azkaban was published in July of 1999 in the United Kingdom. After the book sold

Слайд 11The screen version of the Harry Potter novels is distributed

by Warner Bros. and consists of eight fantasy films beginning

with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) and culminating with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.
The screen version of the Harry Potter novels is distributed by Warner Bros. and consists of eight

Слайд 12
The boy wizard was largely developed during an episode of

severe depression for author J.K. Rowling, who fought her own

dementors by creating the magical world of Hogwarts in her tiny Scottish apartment.
The boy wizard was largely developed during an episode of severe depression for author J.K. Rowling, who

Слайд 13«Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped

pretending to myself that I was anything other than what

I was, and began to direct all my energy to finishing the only work that mattered to me».

J. K. Rowling is the first self-made billionaire author in history, selling more than 400 million books, captivating readers in 69 languages, and 200 countries around the world. Harry’s final chapter – the Deathly Hallows, is the fastest-selling book of all time. No wonder she’s credited with doing more for literacy than anyone else on the planet.

«Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything

Слайд 14'Harry Potter' is a delightful children’s book about an orphan

boy wizard with a lightning-shaped scar – a boy with

a magical destiny. It's an epic saga of childhood confusion, danger and adventure. But it's more than just a children's story. Behind the witchcraft and the wizardry lies an intensely moral fable about good and evil, love and hatred, life and death.
In terms of personal identity and character formation, the most important thing Harry learns is not that he has magical power but that it matters how he uses it.

'Harry Potter' is a delightful children’s book about an orphan boy wizard with a lightning-shaped scar –

Слайд 15He undertakes a challenge and fights against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
The power of

voluntary sacrificial love to rescue others from the forces of

Evil is a pivotal idea to the series and in literary criticism is viewed through the concept of Deeper magic. Harry is sacrificing himself for the wizarding world the way his mother Lily did for him. While his mother's love has marked him for a special destiny, Harry still has to determine what kind of "self" it will take to fulfill that destiny. And that's what makes a whole Harry Potter heroic saga a great quest for identity.
He undertakes a challenge and fights against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.The power of voluntary sacrificial love to rescue others from

Слайд 16J.K. Rowling's honours and awards:

Booksellers Association Author

of the Year - 1998 and 1999

of the Year - 1999
Order of the British Empire (OBE) - 2001
Prince of Asturias Award for Concord - 2003
W.H. Smith Fiction Award - 2004
Blue Peter Gold Badge - 2007
James Joyce Award - University College Dublin, 2008
The Edinburgh Award - 2008
Outstanding Achievement Award - South Bank Show Awards, 2008
Lifetime Achievement Award - 2008
Commencement Speaker - Harvard University, U.S.A., 2008
The French Legion of Honour Award
J.K. Rowling's honours and awards:   Booksellers Association Author of the Year - 1998 and 1999

Слайд 17The second of May is Harry Potter national holiday. This

holiday was created in memorial to the epic importance of

the day that Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord.
With the rise of Harry Potter, nation's youth have displayed a “mania” that has not been seen in reference to books for a long time.
The second of May is Harry Potter national holiday. This holiday was created in memorial to the

Слайд 18 The


The End

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