of a student Theme:Green technologies use in computer science and
programmingPrepared by:Sugirov M.M.,Shakieva A. Speciality:General medicine Group:136 Checked:Mukhamedzhanova A.U.
Green technology, as a rule, can significantly reduce the consumption of resources, expand the use of by-products.
Thus, modern refrigerators consume 75% less electricity than their analogues in 1975 with a 20% increase in capacity, in particular, due to improved insulation and more efficient cooling systems.
Air transport in developed countries uses 50-60% less energy per passenger than in the early 1970s, and freight transport - by 10-25% less fuel per ton-kilometer.
Priority directions of green growth, which are realized with the help of ICT, are intelligent networks that are important for the integration of renewable energy sources and promotion of an efficient energy market, and without ICT this is not yet possible; - "smart" buildings - due to the importance of buildings and the rapid pace of urbanization throughout the world; - "smart" transportation and logistics systems, managed by ICT, make the business more energy efficient; - "smart" engines: "any task or application that is driven by an engine or electricity can be controlled by a microprocessor, yields significant energy savings and reduces greenhouse gas emissions; - ICT to enable people to learn about the consequences of their behavior with point of view of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact.
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