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Kokshetau state University named after Sh. Ualikhanov Faculty: History, law,

The constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan PlanAbout the Constitution of the (RK)Concept of constitutional lawCitizenship

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Kokshetau state University named after Sh. Ualikhanov

Faculty: History, law, arts

and sports

Department: Jurisprudence

Specialty: Jurisprudence

Kokshetau 2019
Performed by B.Daryn “UK-83”  

Kokshetau state University named after Sh. UalikhanovFaculty: History, law, arts and sportsDepartment: JurisprudenceSpecialty: JurisprudenceKokshetau 2019Performed by B.Daryn

Слайд 2The constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
About the

Constitution of the (RK)

Concept of constitutional law


The constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan  PlanAbout the Constitution of the (RK)Concept of constitutional

Слайд 3Constitutional law is the basic branch of Kazakh law
The Constitution

the basic law of the state, a special normative legal

act , having the highest legal force
The Constitution forms the legal basis of state and public life
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the basic law of Kazakhstan. The current Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted at a national referendum on 30 August 1995.

Constitutional law is the basic branch of Kazakh lawThe Constitution the basic law of the state, a

Слайд 4There are 5 constitutions in the history of Kazakhsta
The Constitution

of KazASSR dated february 18, 1926y.
The Constitution of KazSSR dated

26 march, 1937y.
The Constitution of KazSSR dated 20 april 1978y.
The Constitution of the RK dated 28 january 1993y.
The Constitution of the RK dated 30 august 1995y. (adopted at the Republican referendum)

There are 5 constitutions in the history of Kazakhsta The Constitution of KazASSR dated february 18, 1926y.The

Слайд 5A constitution consists of 9 divisions, 98 articles

Section I. General

Provisions (articles 1-9)
Section II. The Individual and Citizen (articles 10-39)

III. The President (articles 40-48)
Section IV. The Parliament (articles 49-63)
Section V. The Government (articles 64-70)
Section VI. The Constitutional Council (articles 71-74)
Section VII. Court and justice (articles 75-84)
Section VIII. Local public administration and self-administration (articles 85-89)
Section IX. Concluding and transitional provisions (articles 90-98)
A constitution consists of 9 divisions, 98 articles Section I. General Provisions (articles 1-9)Section II. The Individual

Слайд 6Subject of constitutional law
The public relations developing in the sphere,

establishment of bases of the constitutional system of RK, protection

of the rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen, regulation of the state device, the device of the state power and local self-government

Method of constitutional law

binding method

the method of prohibition

permission method

Subject of constitutional lawThe public relations developing in the sphere, establishment of bases of the constitutional system

Слайд 7Constitutional and legal status of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Republic

of Kazakhstan claims to be a democratic, secular, social, legal

state whose highest values are its life, rights and freedom of the population (Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1st article)

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a sovereign state and its sovereignty extends to its entire territory

Constitutional and legal status of the Republic of KazakhstanThe Republic of Kazakhstan claims to be a democratic,

Слайд 8branch legislative
In the Republic of Kazakhstan the state

language is Kazakh
The current law in the Republic of Kazakhstan

is the norms of the Constitution and the relevant laws.

The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes ideological and political diversity . According to it in the state any ideology including religious cannot be as obligatory . The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes multiparty system, which is one of the signs of democracy. The establishment of a party on a religious basis is prohibited

In the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be recognized and protected equally public and private property.

branch legislativeexecutiveJudicial branchBranch execuitveIn the Republic of Kazakhstan the state language is KazakhThe current law in the

Слайд 9Citizenship of Kazakhstan
Citizenship is a stable political and legal relationship

between a person and the state, expressing the totality of

their mutual rights and obligations

Citizenship of KazakhstanCitizenship is a stable political and legal relationship between a person and the state, expressing

Слайд 10Citizenship of Kazakhstan
A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan may

not be deprived of citizenship, the right to change his

citizenship and may not be expelled from Kazakhstan. Deprivation of citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan is allowed only by a court decision for committing terrorist crimes, as well as for causing other serious harm to vital interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Citizenship of KazakhstanA citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan may not be deprived of citizenship, the right

Слайд 11Citizenship of Kazakhstan
Сitizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan is uniform

and equal regardless of the conditions of its acquisition

Citizenship of KazakhstanСitizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan is uniform and equal regardless of the conditions of

Слайд 12Duties of citizens (article 34-38)
Everyone is obliged to observe the

Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to respect

the rights, freedoms, honor and dignity of other persons
everyone is obliged to respect the state symbols
Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a sacred duty and obligation of every citizen

Duties of citizens (article 34-38)Everyone is obliged to observe the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of

Слайд 13Duties of citizens (article 34-38)
The care and upbringing of children

is a natural right and duty of parents . By

the age of majority, able-bodied children are obliged to take care of disabled parents
Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are obliged to preserve nature and take care of natural resources

Duties of citizens (article 34-38)The care and upbringing of children is a natural right and duty of

Слайд 14Duties of citizens (article 34-38)
Payment of legally established taxes, councils

and other obligations of payments is the duty and obligation

of everyone
Citizens of Kazakhstan are obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, protect historical and cultural monuments

Duties of citizens (article 34-38)Payment of legally established taxes, councils and other obligations of payments is the

Слайд 15Thank you for your attention!!
Kokshetau 2019
Performed by B.Daryn “UK-83”  

Thank you for your attention!!Kokshetau 2019Performed by B.Daryn “UK-83”  

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