Разделы презентаций


Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education SystemOur days distance education systems are used in many European universities and in Russia.The students get an access to the distance education system

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1LESSON 3

LESSON 3E-Learning

Слайд 2Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education System

Our days

distance education systems are used in many European universities and

in Russia.
The students get an access to the distance education system of the university or the college.

Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education SystemOur days distance education systems are used in many

Слайд 3Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education System
Distance Education

System is a program complex.
It provides:
Storage and delivery of

electronic courses
Testing automation
Report making about distance education results

Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education SystemDistance Education System is a program complex.It provides: Storage

Слайд 4Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education System
A distance

education system has:
Study materials
Inline testing system
Access capability to different online

libraries and sources
Inline e-mail

Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education SystemA distance education system has:Study materialsInline testing systemAccess capability

Слайд 5Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education System

Distance education

system provides audio-and video-records, animation and trainings usage.

Point 1. The Main Characteristics of Distance Education SystemDistance education system provides audio-and video-records, animation and trainings

Слайд 6Point 2. Distance Education Systems
There are many distance education systems

in the world.

The most popular are:
Learn eXact

Point 2. Distance Education SystemsThere are many distance education systems in the world.The most popular are:MoodleLearn eXactCampus

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