Разделы презентаций

Lesson 6 chal 1 p 57


Were you in Disneyland?Yes, I …….No, I …… ……What did you do?I …………..ed

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Were you in Disneyland?

Yes, I …….
No, I …… ……

What did

you do?

I …………..ed

Were you in Disneyland?Yes, I …….No, I …… ……What did you do?I  …………..ed

Слайд 3Were you at school today?

Yes, I …….
No, I …… ……


did you do?

I …………..(study)

Were you at school today?Yes, I …….No, I …… ……What did you do?I  …………..(study)

Слайд 4Were you in the park yesterday?

Yes, I …….
No, I ……


What did you do?

I …………..ed

Were you in the park yesterday?Yes, I …….No, I …… ……What did you do?I  …………..ed

Слайд 5Were they in the pool yesterday?

Yes, they …….
No, they ……


What did they do?

They ………….. (dive)

Were they in the pool yesterday?Yes, they …….No, they …… ……What did they do?They  ………….. (dive)

Слайд 6Were they in the pool yesterday?

Yes, they …….
No, they ……


They ……. in a café.

What did they do?


………….. (dance)

Were they in the pool yesterday?Yes, they …….No, they …… ……They …….  in a café.What did

Слайд 7Was she in the pool yesterday?

Yes, she …….
No, she…… ……


……. in a shop.

What did she do?

She …………..

(pull a car)

Was she in the pool yesterday?Yes, she …….No, she…… ……She …….  in a shop.What did she

Слайд 8Were you at the English Club 2 days ago?

Yes, I

No, I …… ……

What did you do?

I …………..


Were you at the English Club 2 days ago?Yes, I …….No, I …… …… What did you

Слайд 9Were you at home 2 days ago?

Yes, I …….
No, I

…… ……

What did you do?

I ………….. (watch TV-Play

computer games)

Were you at home 2 days ago?Yes, I …….No, I …… …… What did you do?I

Слайд 10To check!

To check!

Слайд 14What did miss buy???????

What did miss buy???????

Слайд 15Dictation!!!


Слайд 18У вас есть фонарики?
Они на складе.
Он крадёт батарейки!
Позвони в полицию!

ассистенту о воришке!

У вас есть фонарики?Они на складе.Он крадёт батарейки!Позвони в полицию!Расскажи ассистенту о воришке!

Слайд 19Have you got any torches?
They are in the stock room.

is stealing the batteries.
Call the police.
Tell the assistant about the

Have you got any torches?They are in the stock room.He is stealing the batteries.Call the police.Tell the

Слайд 20Video “In the shop” to act and shoot!

Video “In the shop” to act and shoot!

Слайд 23For HT!!

For HT!!

Слайд 24Have got-has got!
On the board
+ cribs!
+ - ?

Have got-has got!On the board + cribs!+ - ?

Слайд 36NEW + DANCE!


Слайд 37+ music!

+ music!

Слайд 40I have many/a few clothes.
I want to tell you about………..

is my most expensive clothes.
It`s dark/light……...(+colour)
I bought it…………..(last year, this

year) in ……(name of the shop)
It is very expensive/cheap.
I like it because it`s comfortable/fantastic/perfect.
I wear it everyday/on holidays/sometimes.
That`s all I wanted to say!
I have many/a few clothes.I want to tell you about………..…… is my most expensive clothes.It`s dark/light……...(+colour)I bought

Слайд 50WB p 53
Grammar copy
Poems + 1 sentence with each


WB p 53 Grammar copyPoems + 1 sentence with each verb

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