Разделы презентаций


Цели урока- научимся говорить о характере;- познакомимся с фразовыми глаголами;- научимся составлять текст об известном человеке по плану.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Внешность и характер

МОДУЛЬ 3. PROFILES Внешность и характер

Слайд 2Цели урока
- научимся говорить о характере;
- познакомимся с фразовыми глаголами;

научимся составлять текст об известном человеке по плану.

Цели урока- научимся говорить о характере;- познакомимся с фразовыми глаголами;- научимся составлять текст об известном человеке по

Слайд 31. Translate into Russian and group the words. Pretty – Thin

– Spiky – Scar – Plump – Middle-aged – Round

– Beard – Skinny – Curly – Of medium height – Round – Fat – Baby – Straight – Freckles –

1. Translate into Russian and group the words.   Pretty –  Thin –  Spiky

Слайд 4Match the words to their meaning
1 determined
2 brave
3 artistic
4 imaginative

A ready to face danger or pain
B clever, original and

C have a strong desire to do something
D good at sinking of new and interesting ideas
E good at paintings, drawing or making beautiful things

1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – e, 4 – d, 5 - b

Match the words to their meaning1 determined2 brave3 artistic4 imaginative5 ingeniousA ready to face danger or painB

Слайд 5The person I admire Vokabulary
admire - восхищаться
famous for – быть известным

on – работать над чем-либо
laws of the universe – законы

cope with – справиться с чем-либо
diagnose – ставить диагноз
desease - болезнь
lose control - терять контроль
muscles - мышцы
start a career – начинать карьеру
blink - моргать
wheelchair – инвалидная коляска
enable - позволять
give up -отказываться
The person I admire Vokabularyadmire - восхищатьсяfamous for – быть известнымwork on – работать над чем-либоlaws of

Слайд 7Reading and listening
Is the person in the picture a famous

scientist? inventor? actor? politician?
What is his name?
What do you

know about him?

Which of this adjectives best describe Hawking?


Reading and listeningIs the person in the picture a famous scientist? inventor? actor? politician? What is his

Слайд 83c. Against all odds
Paragraph plan

Para 1 ― name, date, place

of birth, profession
Para 2 ― early years
Para 3 ― later

Para 4 ― the reasons Jenny admires him
3c. Against all oddsParagraph planPara 1 ― name, date, place of birth, professionPara 2 ― early yearsPara

Слайд 9Phrasal verbs (give)
give away - отдавать, выдавать
give back - возвращать

up - отказываться
p. 30 ex. 4

1 away
2 gave up

give back

Phrasal verbs (give)give away - отдавать, выдаватьgive back - возвращатьgive up - отказыватьсяGIVEBACKUPAWAYp. 30 ex. 4 1

Слайд 10Choose the correct word
1 This isn’t your money and you

must give it up\back
2 I gave most of my books

away\up when I left college
3 It is never late to give up\back smoking
4 She gave away\back all her potted plants when she moved
5 I hope you won’t give back\up playing the piano

1 – back , 2 – away, 3 – up , 4 – away, 5 - up
Choose the correct word1 This isn’t your money and you must give it up\back2 I gave most

Слайд 11Writing
Write an article about a person you admire for school


1 name, date, place of birth,
2 early years

later years
4 the reasons Jenny admires him

WritingWrite an article about a person you admire for school magazine.plan: 1 name, date, place of birth,

Слайд 12Hometask
SB p30 ex 6, выуч слова

Hometask SB p30 ex 6, выуч слова

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