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Monuments of the world population of UNESCO in the countries of the Commonwealth

Westminster Abbey

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Слайд 1Monuments of the world population of UNESCO in the countries

of the Commonwealth

Monuments of the world population of UNESCO in the countries of the Commonwealth

Слайд 2Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 3Start your this church takes the 7th century, when the

monastery was founded here. The monastery raids devastated the enemy,

then it was reduced. So far in 1245, Henry the third ordered the destruction of the eastern part of the old church, and in this place to build a new magnificent temple. They built a temple to the early 17th century.
Start your this church takes the 7th century, when the monastery was founded here. The monastery raids

Слайд 4Solsbersky Cathedral

Solsbersky Cathedral

Слайд 5The sight of the city is the highest in the

UK Cathedral - a Gothic cathedral of the Virgin Mary

or just Solsbersky Cathedral (Salisbury Cathedral), whose height is 123 meters.
Cathedral is located not in the city center and at a distance of 3 kilometers from the town square, in a garden surrounded by greenery.
Earlier, during the Iron Age, there was earthwork, a small stone fort was built with the arrival of the Romans. Then there arises a city, William the Conqueror is building a castle and cathedral.

The sight of the city is the highest in the UK Cathedral - a Gothic cathedral of

Слайд 6Stonehenge


Слайд 7Stonehenge is a plurality of vertically standing hewn stone blocks,

arranged in a circle and surrounded by an earthen ditch,

which left only a small bridge to pass. Directly behind the moat, near the center, located earthen embankments, which are 56 pits known as Aubrey. It is followed by two similar rings. And in the center of the construction there are two round and two horseshoe-shaped arc of the standing stones. Also part of the Stonehenge includes freestanding stones of various sizes and shapes.
Stonehenge is a plurality of vertically standing hewn stone blocks, arranged in a circle and surrounded by

Слайд 8Royal gardens

Royal gardens

Слайд 9The date of foundation is considered Kew Gardens in 1670,

but the status of the Royal Botanic Gardens area was

much later - in 1840.
The total area of ​​Kew Gardens is 132 hectares. Alive "fund" has about 30 thousand species of plants, excluding the world's largest herbarium containing more than 7 million plant specimens.
The date of foundation is considered Kew Gardens in 1670, but the status of the Royal Botanic

Слайд 10St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

Слайд 11In 1675, the architect Christopher Wren took up the construction

of the Cathedral on the site of the destroyed temple.

Its construction dragged on for a long 35 years. The project is three times subjected to alteration. And the most important change was the dome, who later became one of the symbols and one of the main attractions of London. According to the creator, his cathedral should not be equal in all of Europe and the only cathedral to which he could compete was St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
In 1675, the architect Christopher Wren took up the construction of the Cathedral on the site of

Слайд 12

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Город. Ессентуки

(Nikita Ivanov)
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