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Monuments to famous Russian artists

Ilya Repin Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844-1930) was a Russian realist painter.The monument to Ilya Repin is situated in

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Слайд 1Monuments to famous Russian artists
Julia Zolotaryova
Eva Lopanova
Form 5A
School №12
Teacher –

T.S. Golota

Monuments to famous Russian artistsJulia ZolotaryovaEva LopanovaForm 5ASchool №12Teacher – T.S. Golota

Слайд 2

Ilya Repin
Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844-1930) was

a Russian realist painter.
The monument to Ilya Repin is situated in Bolotnaya Square in Moscow.
The monument by sculptor Matthew Manizer was opened in September 29, 1958.
The place for the monument to the painter was chosen due to the proximity to the Tretyakov Gallery, where many paintings by Repin are stored. In 1962, the square was renamed Repin Square. In 1994, together with other streets and squares of the historical center of Moscow, it was renamed back to Bolotnaya Square.
The monument is a frontal composition - a figure of the painter, made in full-length and square, tapering to the top of the pedestal with a bronze cartouche. The monument depicts the outstanding artist in a creative environment. Pose is free, head slightly bent down, with an interested expression. In the hands of Ilya Yefimovich are brushes and a palette, inspired open look is as if looking for a new image for the blank canvas. On the pedestal is a cartouche with an inscription: "To the great Russian artist Ilya Repin from the government of Soviet Union".

Barge Haulers on the Volga

Ilya Repin Ilya Yefimovich

Слайд 3 Vasily Surikov
Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (1848-1916) was a Russian

painter of large-scale historical subjects.
The monument to Vasily Surikov was

opened in Moscow in 2003 in front of the Russian Academy of Arts in Prechistenka Street in a park.
Authors of the project – sculptor Mikhail Pereyaslavets and architect Aleksei Semenov.
Monument to V. Surikov in Moscow consists of a pedestal 1.84 meters high, made of marble with a commemorative inscription Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, and the bronze figure of the artist's 2.6 meters high. The figure is rolled in the direction of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Vasily is depicted in the monument standing full height and dressed in a frock coat. There’s full portrait likeness in his face - a direct open look, simple, yet noble features, the proud bearing.
Near the statue are an easel, palette and brushes - the eternal companions of his life.

Feodosia Morozova

Vasily Surikov Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (1848-1916) was a Russian painter of large-scale historical subjects.The monument to

Слайд 4 Ivan

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1848-1916) was a Russian landscape painter.
The monument

to Ivan Shishkin was placed on Naberezhnaya street in 1991, near the house-museum of Shishkin and memorial to Great Patriotic War.
Sculptor Yury Orehov worked on creation of the monument.
Ivan Ivanovich is represented on the monument full-length, with brushes in one hand and frame of a painting in the other, with his eyes directed to the beauties of Elabuga nature – to the direction of Shishkinskie ponds and river Toyma.
It’s notable that just behind the monument, in an age-old wooden house there is children’s art school of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, as young painters have an example to follow!

Morning in a Pine Forest

Ivan ShishikinIvan Ivanovich Shishkin (1848-1916) was a Russian

Слайд 5 Arkady Plastov

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov (1893 -1972) was a Russian socialist realist

The monument to Arkady Plastov was opened in Ulyanovsk on the 31st of January 2003 in honor of the 110-years anniversary of the birthday of a famous artist.
The author of the monument is a sculptor Anatoly Bichukov.
The monument is made in realism traditions. The artist is represented with a brush and an easel.


Arkady Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov (1893 -1972) was a

Слайд 6 Mikhail Vrubel
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel

(1856 –1910) was a Russian painter of the Symbolist movement

and of Art Nouveau.
The monument to Mikhail Vrubel in Omsk, his birthplace, is the first and the only in Russia monument to the famous Russian artist. The monument is located in the historical center of the city, in Lenin Street, near the Museum of Fine Arts.
The author of the monument is a sculptor Mikhail Nogin.
The opening of the monument to Mikhail Vrubel took place in June 20, 2006. The opening ceremony was held with the participation the sculptor Mikhail Nogin, as well as many members of the public, artists and intellectuals.

Demon Seated

Mikhail Vrubel Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel (1856 –1910) was a Russian painter of

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