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Moscow, 20 November 2014 Moscow Conference 1 Russian RUB FX spot & derivatives

Current trends in RUB marketsContinued RUB depreciation against USDCBR monetary policy: inflation targeting is fully in force by 2015. BKT-RUB corridor abandonedCBR increased Key rate from 5.5

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Moscow, 20 November 2014
Moscow Conference

Russian RUB FX spot & derivatives

markets in 2014

Dmitry Piskulov,

Ph.D. (econ.)
Chairman of NFEA Board;
Member of Monetary Policy Council
of Association of regional banks ”Russia”

Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow ConferenceRussian RUB FX spot & derivatives markets in 2014

Слайд 2 Current trends in RUB markets
Continued RUB

depreciation against USD
CBR monetary policy: inflation targeting is fully in

force by 2015. BKT-RUB corridor abandoned
CBR increased Key rate from 5.5 to 9.5% - higher RUB %%
High capital outflow in the country: $120 bln. est. in 2014
RUB FX market volumes generally in decline
Declining RUB liquidity and volumes in domestic MM
Looming Banking crisis (capital adequacy down)
New refinancing from the CB: ccy repo,reverse FX swap
9. RUB increased use in CIS (prospects in BRICS)

Moscow, 20 November 2014

Moscow Conference

Current trends in RUB marketsContinued RUB depreciation against USDCBR monetary policy: inflation targeting

Слайд 3 Positive trends
Improved current trade& C/A balance

(reduction of import)
Government budget fulfilled because of increased energy export

revenues in Ruble terms
Sanctions bad = sanctions good : create incentives for replacing import with local productions
Facing eastwards: stronger ties with Asian partners (China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, North Korea) – may use Ruble as foreign trade payment currency

Moscow, 20 November 2014

Moscow Conference

Positive trendsImproved current trade& C/A balance (reduction of import)Government budget fulfilled because of

Слайд 4 RUB FX trading volumes
Key features:
On-shore: Declining

volumes of RUB on-shore FX due to lower interbank trading,

lower energy prices
Off-shore (London) RUB volumes fluctuate:
Increased in April 2014
But may go down again in Oct 2014
Increased volatility looming after 2015

Draft Federal Law on regulation of retail Forex dealers (brokers) should pass second reading at State Duma – may potentially result in increased client FX flows to banks, require banks to create FX dealer subs

Moscow, 20 November 2014

Moscow Conference

RUB FX trading volumesKey features:On-shore: Declining volumes of RUB on-shore FX due to

Слайд 5 Average Daily Turnover of global FX

market in 1986-2013
Moscow, 20 November 2014
Moscow Conference

Average Daily Turnover of global FX market in 1986-2013 Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow

Слайд 6 CCYshares in global FX 2007-2013
Moscow, 20

November 2014
Moscow Conference

CCYshares in global FX 2007-2013Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow Conference

Слайд 7 Largest on-shore FX mkt 2007,2013

Largest on-shore FX mkt 2007,2013

Слайд 8 Largest USD/CCY pairs

in global FX
Moscow Conference
Moscow, 20

November 2014
Largest USD/CCY pairs         in global

Слайд 9 Global derivatives amounts
Notional principal amounts outstanding, trln.US$

20 Nov 2014

Global derivatives amountsNotional principal amounts outstanding, trln.US$Moscow, 20 Nov 2014

Слайд 10 Russian domestic cash & derivatives

markets 2014
In 2013 CBR stopped provision of monthly statistics of

volumes of FX and IR instruments, resumed in 2014 on short-tailed basis

Moscow, 20 Nov 2014

Russian domestic cash &     derivatives markets 2014 In 2013 CBR stopped

Слайд 11Domestic FX market volumes 2003-2014 (all ccy vs USD/RUB)
Moscow, 20

November 2014
Moscow Conference

Domestic FX market volumes  2003-2014 (all ccy vs USD/RUB)Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow Conference

Слайд 12Moscow, 20 November 2014
Moscow Conference
Russian domestic

FX spot market volumes (ADT) 2008-2014

Source: CBR, Moscow Exchange,

Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow Conference    Russian domestic FX spot market volumes (ADT) 2008-2014 Source:

Слайд 13 On-shore OTC FX volumes 2014
Moscow, 20 Nov


On-shore OTC FX volumes 2014Moscow, 20 Nov 2014

Слайд 14On-shore vs Off shore FX market 2008-13
Moscow, 20 November 2014


On-shore vs Off shore FX market 2008-13Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow Conference

Слайд 15 RUB markets outside Russia
Trading volumes(ADT) reported off-shore:

instruments: $ 28-30 bln.
Money market instruments: $ 1.0-2.0

Interest rate derivatives: $ 0.3-0.5 bln.
RUB bonds trading: $ 1-2 bln.
Total (FX,MM,Derivat.): $30 - 35 bln. daily

Moscow, 20 Nov 2014

RUB markets outside Russia	Trading volumes(ADT) reported off-shore:FX instruments: 		  $ 28-30 bln.Money market

Слайд 16Volumes of USD/RUB FX in London
Moscow, 20 November 2014
Moscow Conference

of England UK FXJSC: ADT in 2009-14

Volumes of USD/RUB FX  in LondonMoscow, 20 November 2014Moscow ConferenceBank of England UK FXJSC: ADT in

Слайд 17 Russian initiatives to promote

Ruble settlements for export
24 April: meeting at First Vice-premier I.Shuvalov:

MinFin and MinEconomy were tasked to elaborate measures to increase Ruble payments avoid use of USD in export
May: V.Putin adopted legislation enabling Russian exporters receive Rubles as export proceeds.
August: Gazpromneft pioneer contract in Rub
September: I.Shuvalov “We need to reduce USD payments with Asia. New export contracts should be in Rubles”
TURNOVER in long-run

Moscow, 20 November 2014

Moscow Conference

Russian initiatives to promote     Ruble settlements for export24 April: meeting

Слайд 18 RUB prospects as reserve CCY

RUB prospects as reserve CCY

Слайд 19Moscow, 20 November 2014
Moscow Conference
About NFEA

Established: October 1999 in Moscow

Membership: institutional (local and global banks and brokers) operating in

Russian spot/forward foreign exchange , money markets and derivatives;
Management: the Board (28 market practitioners), 4 co-chairmen, 3 Committees (on Market Indices; for Professionalism, Ethics & Education; on Legal Affairs)
Projects up to date:
1999-2001, 2006: Elaboration of Standards (Code of Conduct and Rules to Conduct Operations (Committee for Professionalism, Ethics & Education),
Market indices: MosPrime Rate (2005, RUB money market reference rate), NFEA FX SWAP RATE – new index for USD/RUB and EUR/RUB forwards
Standard Documentation for Russian OTC derivative transactions (Russian ISDA Agreement) – completed in 2009, new version in 2011 (approved FFMS)
RUONIA – Russian analogue of EONIA, SONIA (since Sept 2010)
ROISFIX – OIS interest rates index (since April 2012)
CLS Bank: inclusion of Rub into CLS clearable currencies (since end 2011)

NFEA will merge with NSMA by end of 2015
Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow ConferenceAbout NFEAEstablished: October 1999 in Moscow Membership: institutional (local and global banks and

Слайд 20Moscow, 20 November 2014
Moscow Conference
Contact Details

12 Bolshaya Nikitskaya st,

125009, Russia,
Tel.+7 (495) 629-9510, 629-9709
www.nva.ru, www.nfea.ru; www.ruonia.ru

@ The

Copyright National Foreign Exchange Association, 2012
All rights reserved. Any reproduction is only permitted with prior consent of NFEA.
Moscow, 20 November 2014Moscow ConferenceContact Details			12 Bolshaya Nikitskaya st, 		Moscow, 125009, Russia, 		Tel.+7 (495) 629-9510, 629-9709		www.nva.ru, www.nfea.ru;

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