Разделы презентаций

МОУ  Туношёнская СШ ЯМР имени Героя России Селезнева А.А.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1МОУ Туношёнская СШ ЯМР имени Героя России Селезнева А.А.
Презентация на тему: «Where

do you live?»
Подготовил учитель иностранных языков
Семенычева Е. А.

2018 год

МОУ Туношёнская СШ ЯМР имени Героя России Селезнева А.А.Презентация на тему: «Where do you live?»Подготовил учитель иностранных языковСеменычева Е.

Слайд 2Where can you see a puppet show?

Where can you see a puppet show?

Слайд 3Where can the kings live?

Where can the kings live?

Слайд 4Where can you see cartoons?

Where can you see cartoons?

Слайд 5Where can you see an old picture?

Where can you see an old picture?

Слайд 6Where can you buy vegetables and fruit?

Where can you buy vegetables and fruit?

Слайд 7Where can you buy new clothes?

Where can you buy new clothes?

Слайд 8Where can you read books?

Where can you read books?

Слайд 9Where can you have supper?

Where can you have supper?

Слайд 10Where can you see many students?

Where can you see many students?

Слайд 11Where can you get your letters?

Where can you get your letters?

Слайд 13There is a (место) next to the (место)

There is a (место) next to the (место) oppositebehind

Слайд 14Homework
To get 4 you should do the crossword;
To get 5

you should draw the picture and write why you like

the place where do you live.
HomeworkTo get 4 you should do the crossword;To get 5 you should draw the picture and write

Слайд 15Choose your mark

Choose your mark

Слайд 16Thank you for your work.
The lesson is over.

Thank you for your work.The lesson is over.

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