Разделы презентаций

Much Many a lot of Some Any

Affirmative sentences Countable nounsEx.: There are lots of trees in the park. There are a lot of apples. uncountable nounsEx.:

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Much Many a lot of
Some Any

Much  Many  a lot ofSome  Any

Слайд 2 Affirmative sentences

Countable nouns
Ex.: There

are lots of trees in the park.

There are a lot of apples.
uncountable nouns
Ex.: There is a lot of sugar in the jar.

*A lot of/ lots of can be used in questions and negative sentences but they are not commonly used.

Online game: shoot the count nouns: http://www.eflnet.com/grammar/cncgame.php

a lot of / lots of

Affirmative sentences Countable nounsEx.: There are lots of trees in the park.

Слайд 3 Affirmative sentences
Plural countable nouns

– used in formal language
Ex.: Many books are in the

Many flowers are on the table.
Many children are playing in the park.


Affirmative sentences    Plural countable nouns – used in formal languageEx.: Many books

Слайд 4

NEGATIVE SENTENCES Ex.: There aren´t many

books in this bookstore. I don´t have many cds. QUESTIONS Ex. : How many apples would you like? Are there many employees in your company?


Singular Uncountable nouns

Ex. : There isn´t much sugar

I don´t have much money.
How much is this?
How much water do you drink a day?

Affirmative sentence -used in formal language

Much has done to improve the quality of this picture.


NEGATIVE SENTENCES         QUESTIONSSingular Uncountable nounsEx. : There

Слайд 6



We haven’t got any grapes in the
Is there a restroom around here?

There isn’t any water.
Do we need any furniture?

Uncountable nouns

countable nouns


Слайд 7 Affirmative

Countable nouns

Ex.:There are some chairs here.

I have some managers in the company.
Uncountable nouns

There is some water in the bottle.

I have some information about the sales.


Affirmative          Countable nounsEx.:There are some chairs

Слайд 8

To offer and ask for things, use



Would you like some coffee?

Can I have some bread, please?

Could you lend me some books?


To offer and ask

Слайд 9


Complete with some,

any, a lot of, lots of, many, much.

Sam has ______ friends on facebook. About 1000.
Would you like _______ more tea?
__________ rented cars come with a GPS.
I ate _______ oysters at the restaurant.
There are _______ mosquitoes in the countryside.
Ana bought ________ furniture because she had just moved in.
Sally had so _____ sugar that she got a stomachahe.
How _________ people were at the party?
I don't have _________ money.
My teacher gave me ________ homework.
How _________ sugar do we have?
Do you drink ________ water everyday?
There isn’t _____ soap. We need to buy more.

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