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My future profession

I really don`t know what kind of job I would like to have

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My future profession
Rull Aleks
Group 23

My future professionRull AleksGroup 23

Слайд 2I really don`t know what kind of job I would

like to have

I really don`t know what kind of job I would like to have

Слайд 3Nowadays job is an integral part of our lives. Because

of this everyone is trying to find an interesting work

Nowadays job is an integral part of our lives. Because of this everyone is trying to find

Слайд 4I`m good at drawing

I`m good at drawing

Слайд 5And I have some fans

And I have some fans

Слайд 6At the same time I think I`m good at programming

At the same time I think I`m good at programming

Слайд 7And I love computer games, so I may work as

a game designer

And I love computer games, so I may work as a game designer

Слайд 8Game design is a complex process
Groups of people are working

on different parts of project

Game design is a complex processGroups of people are working on different parts of project

Слайд 9I can draw frames for game, textures or develop the

appearance of the characters

I can draw frames for game, textures or develop the appearance of the characters

Слайд 10I can`t make something in 3D, but there are a

lot of popular games with simple graphics

I can`t make something in 3D, but there are a lot of popular games with simple graphics

Слайд 11Even I want to draw comics and have a lot

of fans like «big artists». It's not that profitable, but

very pleasant
Even I want to draw comics and have a lot of fans like «big artists». It's not

Слайд 12I've already done a few, but they are not popular…

At all…

I've already done a few, but they are not popular… At all…

Слайд 13In conclusion I would like to say, that you should

love your work and love, what you do

In conclusion I would like to say, that you should love your work and love, what you

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