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My hometown presentation

Where I was bornI was born in Russia in Moscow in 2003 year, I live in it more than 13 years, and i live there since today.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My hometown presentation

My hometown presentation

Слайд 2Where I was born
I was born in Russia in Moscow

in 2003 year, I live in it more than 13

years, and i live there since today.
Where I was bornI was born in Russia in Moscow in 2003 year, I live in it

Слайд 3The history
Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy.

were a lot of kings and queens, but the most

famous were The Ivan 4 and all denasty of Elizbeth queens .
Moscow is very beautiful city. It is industrial, economic and culture center.

The historyMoscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy.There were a lot of kings and queens,

Слайд 4The Moscow today
I prefer to live in the city more

than in my country house.
I live in the Khomovniki

district near the center.
Moscow is a very big city. The population today is more than 12 million people
The Moscow todayI prefer to live in the city more than in my country house. I live

Слайд 5Famous places in my city
The most famous University is a

Universuty named Lomonosova.
The most famous cathedral is the cathedral of

the Khrista Spasitela.
The most famous castle is the Kremlin. It built in 1482-1495.
Famous places in my cityThe most famous University is a Universuty named Lomonosova.The most famous cathedral is

Слайд 6Moskwa River and Gorkogo Park
Moskwa river is a river of

western Russia. It rises about 140 km, it flows into

the Oka river. It is one of the famous river in Russia.
Gorkogo Park was opened in 1928. It is one of the famous parks in the center of Moscow.
Moskwa River and Gorkogo ParkMoskwa river is a river of western Russia. It rises about 140 km,

Слайд 7Place and people
My favourite place in Moscow is Gorkogo

park. I always go in it with my friends.

school is about 30 minutes from me. I always go in it by bus.
I like to live here. I dont want to go to another country. Maybe few years later i will want to change my country, but not now.

Place and people My favourite place in Moscow is Gorkogo park. I always go in it with

Слайд 8Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!Artem

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