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My name is Myrzakhmetova Ainagul. I am 17 years old. And I was born in the city


In 2016 I entered the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University of the program Serpin-2050

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My name is Myrzakhmetova Ainagul.
I am 17 years old. And

I was born in the city of Saryagash
I graduated from

the М.Lomonosov School in 2015 and K.Amanzholov School in 2016

I love books to read, dance and play sports.

My name is Myrzakhmetova Ainagul.I am 17 years old. And I was born in the city of

Слайд 2In 2016 I entered the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University

of the program Serpin-2050

In 2016 I entered the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University of the program Serpin-2050

Слайд 3At the university I participated in many events,
I was a

student of the best curator,
And I found a lot of

At the university I participated in many events,I was a student of the best curator,And I found

Слайд 4We had the opportunity to study abroad, in the country

of Poland, under the program of academic mobility. Thanks to

the rector of our university Kurmanbaeva Shyryn Asylkhanovna
We had the opportunity to study abroad, in the country of Poland, under the program of academic

Слайд 5WSFiZ for many years has ranked high in the ranking

studies, confirming: prestige, training conditions, the power of science, innovation

and internationalization of studies. The overriding imperative ranking is prepared to build a culture of quality.
WSFiZ for many years has ranked high in the ranking studies, confirming: prestige, training conditions, the power

Слайд 6Training programs WSFiZ allow graduates to feel confident in the

labor market. The student will receive knowledge and skills from

the best Polish and foreign specialists, improve the knowledge of foreign languages and practice at enterprises and institutions. Studying at WSFiZ gives an opportunity to practice in another country.
Training programs WSFiZ allow graduates to feel confident in the labor market. The student will receive knowledge

Слайд 7The main advantage of teaching at the Faculty of Economics

is preparation for work in a competitive environment of firms

and institutions. The specialty gives a wide range of knowledge in the areas of: management, marketing, finance, law, as well as general information about sociology and psychology, enables free communication in business. The training takes place using the most modern programs and training facilities, it helps in the practical application of knowledge in the areas of problem solving, individual and group decision-making, staffing, negotiation.
The main advantage of teaching at the Faculty of Economics is preparation for work in a competitive

Слайд 8Student House No. 2 "BETA" is designed to accommodate students

of Bialystok University of Technology, students of other Białystok universities

and students in international programs.Тhe Student House also offers free rooms for ad-hoc students to non-stationary students, private individuals, companies and public institutions. The hotel rooms are non-occupied rooms by the stationary students.
Student House No. 2

Слайд 9Student House No. 2 houses offices and offices of student

organizations.The RELAX Club - an 86 m2 apartment located on

the ground floor, is equipped with conference furniture and media. The hall is used by residents of the dorm to organize meetings and special events;Student Photography Agenda - room 915;Student Amateur Radio Club - room 913;Erasmus Student Network Office - Room No. 8 and 9.
Student House No. 2 houses offices and offices of student organizations.The RELAX Club - an 86 m2

Слайд 10Basic tasks of the AZS Club include: popularizing physical culture

and competition in the academy, integrating academic youth through sport

activities, selecting the best athletes of students as university representatives for the academic championship of Podlasie, Poland or Europe in particular disciplines. Another important goal is to counteract social pathologies that threaten the learning environment of young people learning.
Basic tasks of the AZS Club include: popularizing physical culture and competition in the academy, integrating academic

Слайд 11The largest shopping center in the region. It is located

at the intersection of Mickiewicz and St. John's, in the

very center of Bialystok. Alpha is a combination of tradition and modernity. Historical buildings were turned into a modern interior of the object.
The largest shopping center in the region. It is located at the intersection of Mickiewicz and St.

Слайд 12Nauryz in Poland

Nauryz in Poland

Слайд 13Travel in Bialystok

Travel in Bialystok

Слайд 14Aray's Birthday

Aray's Birthday

Слайд 15Constitution Park 3 May in Bialystok - a modernist park

in Bialystok created at the turn of the 1920s and

1930s according to the project J.B. Rybołowicza. After World War II, the park was called "Zwierzyniec Park". The park area is 16.2 hectares.
Constitution Park 3 May in Bialystok - a modernist park in Bialystok created at the turn of

Слайд 16in the University WSFiZ

in the University WSFiZ

Слайд 17God, Honor, Homeland - the motto of the Polish Army,

which is an idealistic view of fidelity to the state.

It was introduced for the first time by the decree of the President of the Republic of Poland on October 15, 1943. The dominant canon of foreign currency interpretation is the Homeland all but the love of the Most High and HonorOn modern military banners the motto "God, Honor and Homeland" occurs in the middle field, on the reverse of the eagle, the emblem of Poland.
God, Honor, Homeland - the motto of the Polish Army, which is an idealistic view of fidelity

Слайд 18Library of Bialystok Technical University

Library of Bialystok Technical University

Слайд 19Three after Three is a romantic way to dine in

two as well as a banquet for a larger group.We

have been on the market since 1996. Our specialty is Polish Kitchen. We offer free internet access to our customers. Every weekend is a fun time at a disco for people over the age of 28.We are waiting for you every day from 11:30 in the newly opened restaurant, spacious banquet halls and wedding hall.
Three after Three is a romantic way to dine in two as well as a banquet for

Слайд 20Constitution Park 3 May in Bialystok

Constitution Park 3 May in Bialystok

Слайд 21The secret of the perfect taste of food lies in

its preparation. Every stage is important here. That is why

we at KFC are doing everything from scratch. Every day we manually prepare the meat: we bake it, fry it and grill. Only given immediately after preparation, preserves all the flavors. Meat in KFC:Only whole chicken pieces, minced,Hand-made, just before serving.
The secret of the perfect taste of food lies in its preparation. Every stage is important here.

Слайд 22“Atrium Biala” in Bialystok is a shopping center. Here you

will find shops of home appliances and computer, sports, children's,

food, clothing and footwear shops, cosmetics.
“Atrium Biala” in Bialystok is a shopping center. Here you will find shops of home appliances and

Слайд 23Travel in Bialystok

Travel in Bialystok

Слайд 24This is the Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit, the

largest Orthodox church in the city. The construction of the

church is very interesting.
This is the Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit, the largest Orthodox church in the city. The

Слайд 26Krakow is an ancient city located in the south of

Poland, on the banks of the Vistula River. In the

11th-16th centuries, Krakow was the national capital, the seat of the monarchs, the place of coronation and burial of Polish kings. Thanks to its 1000-year history, many still consider it the heart of Poland. This unique city, created by generations of masters and artists of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Art Nouveau (secession), happily avoided military destruction, invariably fascinates and attracts millions of tourists with ensembles of ancient streets, fortresses, original monuments of architecture and art, a variety of cultural events and ... magical Atmosphere cafes cafes, restaurants, beer bars, cellars and jazz clubs.
Krakow is an ancient city located in the south of Poland, on the banks of the Vistula

Слайд 27St. Joseph Church is located away from the tourist trails,

on the opposite bank of the Vistula, in the foothills

of the southern part of Krakow. It was built between 1905-1909 by architect Jana Sas-Zubrzyckiego. The Neo-Gothic church from afar resembles a fairy-tale castle.
St. Joseph Church is located away from the tourist trails, on the opposite bank of the Vistula,

Слайд 29Our tour began near the Royal Wawel Castle, which was

once the residence of Polish kings. This is a whole

museum architectural complex, located on the left bank of the Vistula River. In its territory are directly the Royal Castle itself, the Cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Vaclav, as well as the system of castle fortifications. In importance to the Polish people this place is similar to the Russian Kremlin in Moscow, since ancient times Krakow was the main political, spiritual and cultural center of Poland.
Our tour began near the Royal Wawel Castle, which was once the residence of Polish kings. This

Слайд 30The main attraction of Krakow, of course, is the majestic

Wawel Castle on a hill above the Vistula, in which,

for its long history, many royal families managed to live.
The main attraction of Krakow, of course, is the majestic Wawel Castle on a hill above the

Слайд 31The share of the stunning city of Krakow fell a

lot of dangers and tests. Krakow is a city with

a heroic past. Its ancient fortifications consisted of 47 towers, 8 gates and a hanging tower. This tower, with its seven watchtowers and to this day proudly guards the entrance to the city. After passing through the gate, you get to the historical center of Krakow, directly to the main square, the largest medieval market square in Europe.
The share of the stunning city of Krakow fell a lot of dangers and tests. Krakow is

Слайд 32During the reign of King Krak attacked the country of

the evil dragon Smoke. He settled on the bank of

the Vistula at the foot of the Wawel Hill. Smoke plagued all citizens of the country, every day he had to give a few sheep, otherwise he threatened to attack people. Nobody dared to fight with him, only a brave tailor named Skuba decided to stealthily defeat the monster. Scuba embroidered burned sulfur in a sheepskin coat and gave a fake lamb to a dragon. Soon he felt a strong thirst, rushed to the Vistula, began to drink water. I drank half of the river and burst. So there was no monster in Poland. The King gave his daughter for Scuba, and on Wawel Hill people built a castle for them. From all over the country, people stretched to look at the dead dragon. Gradually around this place grew a city, which was named after the king - Krakow. And in place of the death of the monster in 1972 set a monument - a fire-breathing dragon. Flame dragon spews every five minutes, but today this action can be called by SMS, dialing number 7168 with the text "smok" (in translation from the Polish - "dragon").
During the reign of King Krak attacked the country of the evil dragon Smoke. He settled on

Слайд 35In 2010, in the royal city of Poland - Krakow,

the modern bridge across the Vistula was inaugurated. The structure

became very popular with young people - hundreds of couples in love hurried to mention their feelings here with small locks. But it is difficult to imagine that crossing the Vistula in this place has a very rich history.
In 2010, in the royal city of Poland - Krakow, the modern bridge across the Vistula was

Слайд 36Rover Hostel is located in Kraków, 400 meters from the

Schindler Factory Museum. There is a playground with barbecue facilities

in the garden and a terrace. In the common room there is a bar, where beer is served from the local brewery, fresh coffee and tea.
Rover Hostel is located in Kraków, 400 meters from the Schindler Factory Museum. There is a playground

Слайд 42Wroclawodin is one of the largest and oldest cities in

Poland, located on both banks of the middle reaches of

the Odra, on the Silesian Lowland. The population is 634,404 people.
Wroclawodin is one of the largest and oldest cities in Poland, located on both banks of the

Слайд 47Travel in Wroslaw

Travel in Wroslaw

Слайд 48Wroclaw gnomes are the name of bronze gnome figurines, installed

in Wroclaw since 2001, the number of which is constantly

growing. At the moment are one of the tourist attractions of the city. There are special excursions and brochures that help to find these gnomes in the city,

and also describe the individual history of each gnome. Regularly install new gnomes, and steal and break old.

Wroclaw gnomes are the name of bronze gnome figurines, installed in Wroclaw since 2001, the number of

Слайд 50I really like Białystok

I really like Białystok

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