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Natural monuments of English speaking countries on the UNESCO World Heritage


UNESCO is a specialized Agency of the United Nations promoting peace, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through the mediation of education and culture.Currently the world heritage list included 203 natural object,

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Слайд 1Natural monuments of English speaking countries on the UNESCO World

Heritage List
Victoria Pugach ,

№ 21
Natural monuments of English speaking countries on the UNESCO World Heritage List Victoria Pugach , AlinaJAGARYAN ,9-

Слайд 2UNESCO is a specialized Agency of the United Nations promoting

peace, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through the mediation of

education and culture.

Currently the world heritage list included 203 natural object, and each is a combination of outstanding natural beauty, biological and geological diversity, and demonstrates the main stages of the history of the planet Earth and is a kind of document that guarantees her life. We chose 15 of the most beautiful natural sites of the UNESCO world heritage – ranging from tropical jungles and deserts to caves and volcanoes.

UNESCO is a specialized Agency of the United Nations promoting peace, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through

Слайд 3In 1972 UNESCO adopted the Convention concerning the protection of

world cultural and natural heritage (entered into force in 1975).

The Soviet Union ratified the Convention on 9 March 1988.

Almost every year the world heritage Committee holds sessions, which were awarded to "the status of world heritage site".

In 1972 UNESCO adopted the Convention concerning the protection of world cultural and natural heritage (entered into



Слайд 5Criteria
The main objective of the world heritage list is to

make known and to protect objects that are unique in

its kind. For this and because of the desire for objectivity was drawn up evaluation criteria.
CriteriaThe main objective of the world heritage list is to make known and to protect objects that

Слайд 6
The natural objects

world heritage:

The natural objects   of UNESCO world heritage:

Слайд 7Sandstone plateau with a total area of 1.03 million ha

of deeply dissected cliffs and canyons and is covered with

eucalyptus forest. This heritage site comprises eight protected areas, the main value of which is that they demonstrate the evolutionary development and diversity of the eucalyptus forests of Australia as a continent, located in an isolated position since the collapse of the ancient continent Gondwana. In the area of the blue mountains discovered 91 species of eucalyptus trees, it is extremely diverse and ecosystems where these trees grow. The district is solely representative for the whole of Australia: it is noted here that about 10% of all vascular plants of the continent, among them a number of rare and endangered species as well as endemics and relicts, including pine, Wollemi, surviving only in some areas.

The mountain district of the blue mountains

Sandstone plateau with a total area of 1.03 million ha of deeply dissected cliffs and canyons and

Слайд 8The area of the Lord
Howe island group
Remote Islands, resulting

from underwater volcanic eruptions that occurred at a depth of

more than 2 thousand in m, have a colorful rocky landscape and serve as a refuge for numerous endemic living organisms, especially birds.
The area of the Lord Howe island groupRemote Islands, resulting from underwater volcanic eruptions that occurred at

Слайд 9The great barrier reef,
coral sea, Australia
Great barrier reef –

a unique system consisting of 3,000 separate coral reefs and

over 900 Islands. He lies in the waters of the Coral sea and attracts millions of divers, eager to see the amazing masterpiece created by tiny microorganisms.
More than 2 500 kilometers of fabulous flora and amazing fauna – it is the largest coral reef on the planet, which can be seen even from space.

The great barrier reef, coral sea, AustraliaGreat barrier reef – a unique system consisting of 3,000 separate

Слайд 10Lake district Willandra
Fossils and other archaeological finds Dating from the

Pleistocene discovered in the Sands and dried up lakes, and

indicate settlement of this area 45-60 million years ago. From the point of view of the study of human evolution on the Australian mainland district Willandra is a truly unique place. Here are also found well-preserved fossils of giant marsupials.
Lake district WillandraFossils and other archaeological finds Dating from the Pleistocene discovered in the Sands and dried

Слайд 11The Ningaloo Coast
area on the remote West coast of Australia,

includes 604 thousand 500 hectares of the coastal zone and

waters with the longest in the world the coastal reef. Its terrestrial part of the amazing extensive karst system and network of underground caves and water tunnels. Rich in underground water basins and canals, it forms the habitat of the rare types who create exceptional marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Each year, the ningaloo coast to gather flocks to the whale shark, among other local inhabitants is found in the abundance of sea turtles. In the terrestrial part of the reserve offers a variety of subterranean formation – an extensive network of caves, passages and ducts. The reserve is home to various rare species, creating an exceptionally rich biodiversity of marine and terrestrial world.
The Ningaloo Coastarea on the remote West coast of Australia, includes 604 thousand 500 hectares of the

Слайд 12Kakadu national Park
This area of Australia's Northern Territory, which now

houses unique archaeological and ethnological reserve has been inhabited for

more than 40 thousand years ago. Archaeological finds and rock paintings illustrate the livelihoods of indigenous people: from the prehistoric communities of hunter-gatherers to aborigines who live here in our time. The Park includes a unique combination of natural systems (including wetlands, flooded during tidal surges, rolling plains and plateaus), which serve as a habitat for many rare and endemic species of plants and animals.
Kakadu national ParkThis area of Australia's Northern Territory, which now houses unique archaeological and ethnological reserve has

Слайд 13Tongariro national Park
In 1993 Tongariro became the first object included

in the world heritage List as valuable cultural landscape. A

mountain range located in the center of the Park, has a special cultural and religious significance for the Maori peoples, and symbolizes the spiritual connection of aboriginal people with the environment. In the Park there are extinct and active volcanoes, a wide range of ecosystems, there are a number of remarkable landscapes.
Tongariro national ParkIn 1993 Tongariro became the first object included in the world heritage List as valuable

Слайд 14Those Wahipounamu –
South-West of the South
The landscape of

the South-Western outskirts of new Zealand's South island was formed

by a glacier. Now he is represented by fjords, rocky coasts, towering cliffs, lakes and waterfalls. 2/3 of the territory is covered with forests of southern beech and podocarps, some copies of which are aged over 800 years. Here dwells parrot Kea – the only Alpine parrot in the world, and large flightless bird takahe which is an endangered species.
Those Wahipounamu – South-West of the South islandThe landscape of the South-Western outskirts of new Zealand's South

Слайд 15National marine Park
"Papahanaumokuakea" is a vast and isolated group

of small low-lying Islands and atolls, surrounded by the ocean

and scattered over almost 250 km North-West of the main archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands and stretching around 1931 km away . There are also the habitats of pelagic and deep-sea organisms, characterized by diverse topography: there are seamounts and submarine banks, extensive coral reefs and lagoons. World's largest protected marine reserve.
National marine Park

Слайд 16National Park Grand Canyon
Produced waters of the Colorado river, this

canyon to a depth of 1500 m is the most

Grand of all the canyons of the planet. It runs along the territory of Arizona, and is the main natural axis of the eponymous national Park. Exposed geological layers reflect the last 2 billion years of earth history. It also found traces of prehistoric man.
National Park Grand CanyonProduced waters of the Colorado river, this canyon to a depth of 1500 m

Слайд 17Yellowstone national Park
A vast Park with an area of about

900 hectares, covered with virgin forests, is 96% within the

borders of Wyoming, 3% in Montana 1% in Idaho. About half of all geothermal phenomena in the world (over 10 thousand objects) falls on the Yellowstone. Also here are concentrated the most significant on the planet, a cluster of geysers – more than 300 geysers, or about 2/3 of their total number. The Park, established in 1872 (the first national Park in the United States and in the world), also known for its rich fauna, represented by grizzly bear, wolf, elk and bison.
Yellowstone national ParkA vast Park with an area of about 900 hectares, covered with virgin forests, is

Слайд 18Parks and reserves Clean,
Wrangel-St. Elias,
Glacier Bay,
These parks

include huge glaciers and high mountain ranges lying on both

sides of the Canada-U.S. border (Yukon and British Columbia/Alaska). Expressive natural landscape provides shelter to many grizzly bears, caribou and sheep-Tolstonogov. This is where the biggest area of glaciation outside of the polar regions.
Parks and reserves Clean, Wrangel-St. Elias, Glacier Bay, Tatshenshini-AlsekThese parks include huge glaciers and high mountain ranges

Слайд 19The Eastern part of Rennell island
Rennell is the southernmost of

the Solomon group of Islands lying in the Western Pacific

ocean. It is the world's largest raised Atoll, its size 86х15. km heritage site area of 37 thousand hectares covering the southern third of this island and also includes the surrounding waters within a radius of three nautical miles. The main natural feature of the island – lake Tegano, the former lagoon of the Atoll. The lake is the largest inland body of water in the whole of Oceania (15,5 ha), it has brackish water, plenty of rocky limestone islets, and serves as habitat for certain endemic species. The majority of the Rennell island is covered by dense forests, which form a continuous canopy at a height of 20 m.
The Eastern part of Rennell islandRennell is the southernmost of the Solomon group of Islands lying in

Слайд 20National Park great
smoky mountains
In this extremely picturesque Park covering

an area of over 200 hectares, recorded more than 3.5

thousand plant species, including 130 species of trees (about the same marked throughout Europe). Here and home to many rare and endangered animals, and a variety of local salamanders can recognize the greatest in the world. This well-preserved area allows to represent the vegetation of the temperate zone up to the time of human exploration.
National Park great smoky mountainsIn this extremely picturesque Park covering an area of over 200 hectares, recorded

Слайд 21International Peace Park
Waterton Lakes–Glacier
In 1932, national Park Waterton lakes

(Alberta, Canada) was combined with glacier national Park (Montana, USA),

whereby was established the first in the world international Peace Park. Located on the border of the two countries, this is a very scenic Park, which includes areas of Prairie, forest, Alpine and glacial mountains, has extremely rich flora and fauna.
International Peace Park Waterton Lakes–GlacierIn 1932, national Park Waterton lakes (Alberta, Canada) was combined with glacier national

Слайд 22National Park
mammoth cave
On the territory of this national Park

in Kentucky is the longest cave system on the planet,

resulting from karst processes. In the Park and its dungeons, which extends more than 560 km, there are a wide variety of plants and animals, including endangered species.
National Park mammoth caveOn the territory of this national Park in Kentucky is the longest cave system

Слайд 23National marine Park
"Papahanaumokuakea" (Papahānaumokuākea) is a large and isolated

group of small low-lying Islands and atolls, surrounded by the

ocean and scattered over almost 250 km North-West of the main archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands and stretching around 1931 km away, and For native Hawaiian this object has a cosmological significance as the embodiment of the concept of kinship between man and the natural world, the cradle of life and refuge of the human soul after death. On two Islands, Nihoa and Mokumanamana found archaeological evidence of human habitation, there were engaged in agriculture before the arrival of Europeans. There are also the habitats of pelagic and deep-sea organisms, characterized by diverse topography: there are seamounts and submarine banks, extensive coral reefs and lagoons. World's largest protected marine reserve.
National marine Park

Слайд 24Stonhard, UK
Dimensional stone design – Stonhard is located among the

splendid nature of Salisbury plain, on the territory of the

County of Wilshire in the UK. 150 stones placed in sequence, are of great interest for scientists and ordinary tourists who come here to look at a wonderful creation of man, created in the year 3000 BC.
Under the influence of time and natural phenomena unique ancient monument began to crumble, so now his guard with great care. If half a century ago, tourists could even climb the huge structure, since 1977, they can only watch. To touch the stones, you need a special permit issued during the year on the basis of personal request.

Stonhard, UKDimensional stone design – Stonhard is located among the splendid nature of Salisbury plain, on the

Слайд 25Coast Causeway Coast
Causeway coast – folded basalts stretch of coast

in Northern Ireland, on the Northern tip of the plateau

of Antrim. The shore consists of massive pillars of dark basalt, which jut straight out of the water and whose number reaches about 40 thousand This amazing landscape gave rise to the legend about a giant that wanted to go by sea to Scotland, and built the stone pavement. Geological survey, produced at this facility over the last 300 years have greatly contributed to the development of Earth Sciences, showing that the coast appeared in the tertiary period by volcanic eruptions around 50-60 million years ago.
Coast Causeway CoastCauseway coast – folded basalts stretch of coast in Northern Ireland, on the Northern tip

Слайд 26Dorset and
East Devon coast, UK
Endless coastline consists of distinctive

rock formations such as cliffs of red claystone, beaches, abundant

fossilized prints once lived here dinosaurs, safe harbors, grassy pastures and romantic villages.

One of the most recognizable local natural sights – a limestone arch Deral-Dor. Usually limestone layers lie horizontally, but Deral-Dor rises from the waves almost vertically: it's really a real geological wonder.
Dorset and East Devon coast, UKEndless coastline consists of distinctive rock formations such as cliffs of red

Слайд 27The national Park of wood
In the Park, an area

of about 4.5 million ha, located in the middle of

the plains in the middle part of Canada, is the continent's largest wild herd of American bison. Here also nest became very rare whooping cranes. Another natural landmark is the largest inland river Delta formed by the rivers Athabasca and peace river.
The national Park of wood BuffaloIn the Park, an area of about 4.5 million ha, located in

Слайд 28Mistaken-Point, Canada
Mistaken point, which is in the list of objects

of UNESCO world heritage recently, located on the southern tip

of Newfoundland; this place is famous for its many well-preserved fossils. Because they were under a layer of volcanic ash, the opportunity to assess their age: they are about 565 million years, and thus they are the most ancient and rare of its kind.

The name – literally “the wrong, wrong place” – refers to the days when sailors, particularly in the mist, mistook this place for the nearby Cape Flight. They turned North, hoping to sail to Cape harbour-Cruise – and instead stumbled on the rocks.
Mistaken-Point, CanadaMistaken point, which is in the list of objects of UNESCO world heritage recently, located on

Слайд 29Provincial Park Dinosaur
The dinosaur park, is located in the middle

of the rocky steppes in Alberta, you'll see not only

exotic, but also contains one of the most valuable collections of fossil finds related to the "age of reptiles". In particular, the remains of dinosaurs that belong to the approximately 35 species that lived 75 million years ago.
Provincial Park DinosaurThe dinosaur park, is located in the middle of the rocky steppes in Alberta, you'll

Слайд 30Provincial Park Miguasha
In South-Eastern Quebec on the southern coast of

the Gaspe Peninsula is a unique area that provides a

rare paleontological evidence of the Devonian period, known as the "age of Pisces". With an age of 370 million years old sediments of the upper Devonian contain the remains of five groups of fossil fishes, of six relating to this period. The main significance of these findings is that they include the considerable number of well-preserved fossilized remnants of lobe-finned fishes from which tetrapods – the first terrestrial vertebrates.
Provincial Park MiguashaIn South-Eastern Quebec on the southern coast of the Gaspe Peninsula is a unique area

Слайд 311.http://whc.unesco.org/ru/list/854#top


Слайд 32Thank you for your attention!

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