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Organizational structure of the global company

Welcome to the Google Incorporated!

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Слайд 1Organizational structure of the global company .

Organizational structure of the global company .

Слайд 2Welcome to the Google Incorporated!

Welcome to the Google Incorporated!

Слайд 31.Company full name: the transnational public Corporation «Google». 2.Abbreviated name «Google

Inc.» («Googol, Incorporated. 3.Date of establishment and company registration: August 19,

1998 4.Legal address of the company: Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Base characteristic.

1.Company full name: the transnational public Corporation «Google».  2.Abbreviated name «Google Inc.» («Googol, Incorporated.  3.Date

Слайд 4Types of Google’s activities:

providing services to search through the global

network Internet.
development of effective advertising and a wide range

of revenue-generating services based on search;
development of software applications
creation of innovative products and services
Types of Google’s activities: providing services to search through the global network Internet.  development of effective

Слайд 5Authoritative beginning
Founders Larry Page, President of products, and Sergey Brin,

President of technology, created by Google, in September 1998. Since

then, the company has grown to more than 10,000 employees worldwide, and its leadership of the most experienced technology professionals in the field of technology. Eric Schmidt joined Google as Chairman and CEO in 2001.

Being one of the most successful transnational corporations, Google Inc in its distribution has not boundaries.
Authoritative beginning Founders Larry Page, President of products, and Sergey Brin, President of technology, created by Google,

Слайд 6The company has several structural units:

1.Board Of Directors

2.Top management 3.Directions, their heads
4.Engineering 5.Products 6.Sale 7.Legal Department 8.Finance 9.Google.org
The company has several structural units:          1.Board Of

Слайд 7Structure of the organisation.

Structure of the organisation.

Слайд 8The Board of Directors:

Larry Page, Google Inc. Eric E. Schmidt, Google

Inc. Sergey Brin, Google Inc. L. John Doerr, Kleiner Perkins Caufield &

Byers John L. Hennessy, Stanford University Paul C. Otellini, Intel Corporation K. RAM Shriram, Sherpalo Ventures Shirley M. Tillman, Princeton University

Top Management.

The Board of Directors:Larry Page, Google Inc.  Eric E. Schmidt, Google Inc.  Sergey Brin, Google

Слайд 9Leaders of Google.

Leaders of Google.

Слайд 10 Larry Page
Develodment of

the products
Generation a strategy of technologies development
CEO and co-founder.

Larry PageDevelodment of the productsGeneration a strategy of technologies developmentCEO

Слайд 11 Eric E. Schmidt
establishment of partnership relations

of business contacts
participation in government programs
development of technologies
Chairmen of the

Board diretors.
Eric E. Schmidtestablishment of partnership relationsexpansion of business contactsparticipation in government programsdevelopment of

Слайд 12 Sergey Brin
Responsble for special

Coordination the daily operations of the company

Sergey BrinResponsble for special progectsCoordination the daily operations of the companyCo-founder.

Слайд 13 Nikesh Arora
Work with consumers

for marketing and partnerships around the world
Senior Vice President and

Director of business development
Nikesh AroraWork with consumersResponsible for marketing and partnerships around the worldSenior

Слайд 14David Drammond
leads the international division of Google, who are engaged

in legal, government relations, corporate development
Leads new business development
Senior Vice

President, corporate development and Chief Legal Officer
David Drammondleads the international division of Google, who are engaged in legal, government relations, corporate developmentLeads new

Слайд 15 Patrick Pichett
Activity in financial operations

and management in the telecommunications sector
Senior Vice President and Chief

Financial Officer
Patrick PichettActivity in financial operations and management in the telecommunications sectorSenior Vice

Слайд 16Nikesh Arora, senior Vice President and chief Executive officer of

business management. David C. Drummond, senior Vice President, corporate development and

chief legal officer. Patrick Pichett, senior Vice President and chief financial officer. CEO of Google in Russia is Vladimir Dolgov.

Nikesh Arora, senior Vice President and chief Executive officer of business management.  David C. Drummond, senior

Слайд 17Senior Management.
Alan Eustace, Senior Vice President, engineering
Salar Kamangar Senior Vice

President of development for YouTube and video products
Sridhar Rhamasvamy ,Senior

Vice President of advertising and commercial activities
Sundar Pichai,Senior Vice President, product Android, Chrome and Apps
Susan Wojcicki,Senior Vice President of advertising and commercial activities
Urs Hyolcle,Senior Vice President, technical infrastructure, and Google fellow
Vic Gundotra,Senior Vice President for social services

Senior Management.Alan Eustace, Senior Vice President, engineeringSalar Kamangar Senior Vice President of development for YouTube and video

Слайд 18The managerial level.
Chief technology officer

Director of sales and localization Senior Vice President and chief Executive officer of business management Director of applications and browsers Senior Vice President, corporate development and chief legal officer Senior Advisor to the General Director and founders Chairman of the Board of Directors Director and founders Senior Vice President & chief financial officer Senior Vice President, engineering General Director General business Director Technical level Senior Vice President google.org Advertising Director Senior Vice President, human resources Senior Director Senior Vice President & CFO Senior Vice President, communications and public policy Senior Vice President of mobile and digital content Senior Vice President, corporate development and legal Affairs Vice-President for innovations

The managerial level.Chief technology officer

Слайд 19Google’s principles.
1.Put all the attention on the user, and the

rest come to you.
2. It is better to do one

thing but do it very, very good.
3. Quickly is better than slowly.
4. Money can be earned, not causing a harm.
5. To search for information does not exist boundaries.
6. You can be serious without a tie.
7.There are never too many information.
8.Information should be accessible to all.
9.Perfectly-his is not the limit.
10.To access the Internet, don't need a computer.
Google’s principles.1.Put all the attention on the user, and the rest come to you.2. It is better

Слайд 208 principles of good directing.
1. Be a good leader.
2. Trust

your team and do not bother them.
3. Show an interest

in the success of our employees and their personal happiness.
4. Don't be a «good-natured». Be demanding in achieving the result.
5. Can learn.
6. Promote the career development of employees. 7. Do not forget about the strategy: always remember, «where floating boat».
8. Master the basic technical skills to be able to help when needed.
8 principles of good directing.1. Be a good leader.2. Trust your team and do not bother them.3.

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