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P resentation in English on "Canada and its features "

Canada has a diverse makeup of nationalities and cultures, and has constitutional protection for policies that promote multiculturalism. In Quebec, cultural identity is strong, and many French-speaking commentators speak of a

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Слайд 1Completed student from 9 A
Fedotova Olga and Hozyaikina Nastya

in English on "Canada and its features"

Completed student from 9 A Fedotova Olga and Hozyaikina NastyaPresentation in English on

Слайд 2Canada has a diverse makeup of nationalities and cultures, and

has constitutional protection for policies that promote multiculturalism. In Quebec,

cultural identity is strong, and many French-speaking commentators speak of a culture of Quebec as distinguished from English Canadian culture;[186] however, as a whole Canada is a cultural mosaic – a collection of several regional, aboriginal, and ethnic subcultures. Government policies such as publicly-funded health care, higher taxation to distribute wealth, outlawing capital punishment, strong efforts to eliminate poverty, an emphasis on multiculturalism, stricter gun control, and legalization of same-sex marriage are social indicators of how Canada's political and cultural evolution differs from that of the United States.
Historically Canada has been influenced by British, French, and aboriginal cultures and traditions. Through their culture, language, art and music, aboriginals continue to influence the Canadian identity. Many Canadians value multiculturalism and see Canada as being inherently multicultural.[61] American media and entertainment are popular, if not dominant, in English Canada; conversely, many Canadian cultural products and entertainers are successful in the United States and worldwide. Many cultural products are marketed toward a unified "North American" or global market. The creation and preservation of distinctly Canadian culture are supported by federal government programs, laws, and institutions such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the National Film Board of Canada, and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.

Culture of Canada

Canada has a diverse makeup of nationalities and cultures, and has constitutional protection for policies that promote

Слайд 3 The Jack Pine, by Tom Thomson, 1916; oil on

canvas, in the collection of the National Gallery of Canada

The Jack Pine, by Tom Thomson, 1916; oil on canvas, in the collection of the

Слайд 41) maple
2) maple-leaf
3) beaver

Uniquely Canadian

symbols are the maple leaf and maple syrup , Canadian

beaver , loon , Canada goose , crown and an officer in broad-brimmed hat and red uniform of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Symbols of Canada

1) maple 2) maple-leaf 3) beaver 4)elk Uniquely Canadian symbols are the maple leaf and maple syrup

Слайд 5 Labor Day - an official Canadian holiday that is

traditionally celebrated on the first Monday of September. This is

a celebration in honor of all workers who have earned the right to rest, having defended that right in a peaceful struggle.

Labor Day

Labor Day - an official Canadian holiday that is traditionally celebrated on the first Monday of

Слайд 6From late February to April in a festive mood prevails

Canada, for making maple syrup from the juice of freshly

turned long ago locals in a traditional national holiday, which in French is called "Sugar Hut." In these spring days, collectors and processors of maple sap in the woods preparing to receive guests - equip temporary huts, set tables for refreshments and candy making maple syrup. Children will love the candy, made of pure white snow, watered with fresh hot syrup, and pancakes with maple syrup, and adults are willing to entertain a ham, eggs, beans and many other interesting dishes with a sweet maple sauce.

Canadian tradition

From late February to April in a festive mood prevails Canada, for making maple syrup from the

Слайд 7April 1 - April Fools' Day - is celebrated in

Canada as much fun as in the whole world.

where did this custom at all? He came from France. In the 16th century introduced a new calendar. New Year, which began on April 1, is now postponed to 1 January - but since then news traveled very slowly (well, they had no radio or TV, no internet!) - And some have continued for some time to celebrate New Year in April, for which they teased "April fools."
Gradually the custom of fooling friends and family, they mound in the sugar bowl salt and pepper in a pie (sweet such jokes), and even call duped "April fish" went from France to walk all over the world, so much so until now and walks with might and main

April Fools' Day

April 1 - April Fools' Day - is celebrated in Canada as much fun as in the

Слайд 8Impunity make fun of your friends and family have allowed

only in April. In anglophone countries, it can be done

also in the fall. Night from October 31 to November 1 - a statutory excuse for a particularly evil and sinister jokes - Halloween.
Every self-respecting resident of Canada says about Halloween with the arrival of autumn. Already in September in the courts of houses appear rubber goblins, and of the windows look out spiders and ghosts. In the course of going and pumpkins, and stray electric lights, and toy witch, "smeared" on the wall, and fixtures, publishing heart-rending cries.
On gifts, the costumes of witches and pumpkins - the symbols of the holiday - the inhabitants of Canada and the U.S. spend billions of dollars.


Impunity make fun of your friends and family have allowed only in April. In anglophone countries, it

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention, we will return!

Thank you for your attention, we will return!

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