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Personality Traits

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Personality Traits

Personality Traits

Слайд 31. dishonest ≠ honest
Someone who tells lies.
Someone who tells

the truth.

Watch the video and decide if Johnny is dishonest

or honest.


1. dishonest   ≠ honestSomeone who tells lies.Someone who tells the truth.Watch the video and decide

Слайд 42. selfish ≠ generous
Someone who cares only about his/her

own self.
Someone who wants to give what he/she has to


Watch the video and decide who is generous and who is selfish.

2. selfish   ≠ generousSomeone who cares only about his/her own self.Someone who wants to give

Слайд 53. talkative ≠ quiet
Someone who talks all the

Someone who doesn’t make any noise.

Watch the video and answer.

Why did the tortoise fall down?


3. talkative    ≠ quietSomeone who talks all the time.Someone who doesn’t make any noise.Watch

Слайд 64. carless ≠careful
Someone who doesn’t take care when they

are doing something.
Someone who is responsible and pays attention.

Watch the

video and answer. In the beginning, was Dolly careful or careless?

4. carless   ≠carefulSomeone who doesn’t take care when they are doing something.Someone who is responsible

Слайд 75. Impolite/rude/mean ≠ polite/decent/nice
Someone who hurts others feelings,

nice to people.
Someone who is well-behaved, respects others.

Watch the video

and answer. In the beginning, was Cussly polite or impolite?

5. Impolite/rude/mean   ≠ polite/decent/niceSomeone who hurts others feelings, not nice to people.Someone who is well-behaved,

Слайд 86. messy ≠tidy/neat
Someone who isn’t clean.
Someone who is

well-organized and clean.

Watch the video and decide if brother bear

and sister bear are naturally tidy or messy. What was the problem?

6. messy    ≠tidy/neatSomeone who isn’t clean.Someone who is well-organized and clean.Watch the video and

Слайд 97. stubborn ≠easygoing
Someone who never changes
his/her opinion.

He/she always says no.
Someone who is relaxed, he/she always says

ok and no problem.

Watch the video and decide, is it good to be stubborn?


7. stubborn   ≠easygoing Someone who never changes his/her opinion. He/she always says no.Someone who is

Слайд 108. stupid/foolish ≠intelligent/smart/clever
Someone who is slow in understanding.
Someone who

learns fast and understand.

Watch the video and answer. What would

you do if you were the buffalo?

8. stupid/foolish   ≠intelligent/smart/clever Someone who is slow in understanding.Someone who learns fast and understand.Watch the

Слайд 119. lazy/playful ≠hardworking
Some who sleeps all day, and doesn’t

want to do anything.
Someone who wants to have fun and

Someone who works hard to make everyone proud of him/her.

Watch the video and answer. What would happen if the bees are lazy?

9. lazy/playful   ≠hardworkingSome who sleeps all day, and doesn’t want to do anything.Someone who wants

Слайд 1210. coward ≠ brave/fearless
Someone who is scared of everything.
Someone who isn’t

easily scared.

Watch the video and answer. Are you brave

enough to sleep alone?

10. coward ≠ brave/fearlessSomeone who is scared of everything.Someone who isn’t easily scared. Watch the video and

Слайд 1311. shy
Someone who doesn't feel comfortable
talking to people.

Watch the

video and answer. How can we deal with a shy


11. shy Someone who doesn't feel comfortable talking to people.Watch the video and answer. How can we

Слайд 1412. loyal
Someone who always supports and
protects the ones and the

he/she loves.
Dogs are the best example for loyalty.


the video and answer. How was the dog loyal to its master?

12. loyalSomeone who always supports andprotects the ones and the things he/she loves. Dogs are the best

Слайд 1513. bossy
Someone who always gives others orders.

Watch the video and

answer. Do you think people love bossy ones?


13. bossySomeone who always gives others orders.Watch the video and answer. Do you think people love bossy

Слайд 1614. greedy
Someone who wants what people have, he/she always wants


Watch the video and answer. What happens when someone

is greedy?

14. greedySomeone who wants what people have, he/she always wants more. Watch the video and answer. What

Слайд 17Thank you

Thank you

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