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Polysaccharides: Quantitative analysis

Object: Linum usitatissimum L. seedsSteps: 1. Extraction5. Measurement of density by spectrophotometry6. Drawing the curve (density/concentration)7. Calculation of polysaccharides amount in relation to xylose Method: Dreywood’s method of spectrophotometric identification

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Polysaccharides: Quantitative analysis
Done by: Naizabayeva D.
Accepted by: Kenzhebayeva S.S.

Polysaccharides: Quantitative analysis  Done by: Naizabayeva D.Accepted by: Kenzhebayeva S.S.

Слайд 2Object: Linum usitatissimum L. seeds
1. Extraction
5. Measurement of density

by spectrophotometry
6. Drawing the curve (density/concentration)
7. Calculation of polysaccharides amount

in relation to xylose

Method: Dreywood’s method of spectrophotometric identification

Object: Linum usitatissimum L. seedsSteps: 1. Extraction5. Measurement of density by spectrophotometry6. Drawing the curve (density/concentration)7. Calculation

Слайд 31. Extraction
1 gr of seeds
70 ml of 1% NaCl
100 ml

Water bath for 1 hour
Cooling, filtration

1. Extraction1 gr of seeds70 ml of 1% NaCl100 ml flaskWater bath for 1 hour Cooling, filtration

Слайд 41. Extraction
Crude extract
Water bath, 10 min
2ml of crude extract
6ml 95%

-> mixed

2 ml
Cooling, centrifugation for 10 min, 3000 rpm

1. ExtractionCrude extractWater bath, 10 min2ml of crude extract6ml 95% ethanol-> mixed2 ml Cooling, centrifugation for 10

Слайд 51. Extraction
5 ml of 95% ethanol
Centrifugation for 10 min, 3000

Drying of precipitate
Super is outlet

1. Extraction5 ml of 95% ethanolCentrifugation for 10 min, 3000 rpmDrying of precipitate Super is outlet

Слайд 61. Extraction
4 ml Reactive
Andron (100gr) in Sulfuric acid (200ml)

solution if poured into the 25 ml flask and the

volume (25 ml) is reached by 95% ethanol

Water bath, 10 min

1. Extraction4 ml Reactive Andron (100gr) in Sulfuric acid (200ml)CoolingThen solution if poured into the 25 ml

Слайд 72. Measurement of density by spectrophotometry
Optical density measurement is provided

in 10mm cuvets
Wavelength – 430nm
Reference – 4ml of reagent (antron

+H2SO4) which pass the same conditions, provided for sample

2. Measurement of density by spectrophotometryOptical density measurement is provided in 10mm cuvetsWavelength – 430nmReference – 4ml

Слайд 83. Calibration curve (density/concentration)
Calibration curve is drawn due to relation

of density with known concentration of xylose. All conditions and

steps are the same as for the samples.
3. Calibration curve (density/concentration)	Calibration curve is drawn due to relation of density with known concentration of xylose.

Слайд 94. Calculations
Amount of polysaccharides is calculated (X%) in relation to

xylose and absolutely dry yield is calculated by following formula.

Where, c- concentration of xylose found in calibration curve (mkg/ml); kV – diffusion coefficient (2500); 0,91 – hydrolysis coefficient; 106 –coefficient of recalculation of mg into mkg; m – weight of initial seeds (g); W –loos of weight due drying of sample, %.

4. CalculationsAmount of polysaccharides is calculated (X%) in relation to xylose and absolutely dry yield is calculated

Слайд 10Conclusion

This method if considered to be standard for quantitative analysis

of polysaccharides of plant nature. The advantage is the availability

of reagents and simplicity
Disadvantage is the being time consuming, and need a lot of manipulations.
ConclusionThis method if considered to be standard for quantitative analysis of polysaccharides of plant nature. The advantage

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