Разделы презентаций

Possessive ‘s

1. We normally use -’s for peopleI stayed at my sister’s house (not the house of my sister) Paul is a man’s name. Paula is a woman’s name. Are you going

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Possessive ‘s

Possessive ‘s

Слайд 21. We normally use -’s for people
I stayed at my

sister’s house (not the house of my sister)
Paul is

a man’s name. Paula is a woman’s name.
Are you going to Jame’s party.
1. We normally use -’s for peopleI stayed at my sister’s house (not the house of my

Слайд 32. You can use -’s without a possession
Whose umbrella

is this? It’s my mother’s (=my mother’s umbrella)
Adele’s music is

better than Lady Gaga’s (= Lady Gaga’s music).
2. You can use -’s without a possession Whose umbrella is this? It’s my mother’s (=my mother’s

Слайд 4’s
I went to me friend's house and had a bit

of tea. = one friend (= his/her one)

I went

to me friend's house and had a bit of tea.= two or more friends (= their house)
’sI went to me friend's house and had a bit of tea. = one friend (= his/her

Слайд 5‘s
The trial started 13 months after the men's arrest.

People's perceptions

of those one days are so different

‘sThe trial started 13 months after the men's arrest.People's perceptions of those one days are so different

Слайд 64. We use of… for things, places, etc.
Look at the

balcony of that old house.
What is the name of

this town?
Madrid is the capital of Spain.
4. We use of… for things, places, etc.Look at the balcony of that old house. What is

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