Разделы презентаций

POW-WOW: the Gathering of Nations

New wordsCome alivePow-wowSpectacularTribeExplodeTrader’s marketDisplayHandicraftsFood stallsTreats entertainingОжитьСобрание индейцевВпечатляющий, захватывающийПлемяВзорваться, разразитьсяТорговый маркетВыставлятьПоделкаПродуктовые лавкиУгощенияразвлекательный

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1POW-WOW: the Gathering of Nations

POW-WOW: the Gathering of Nations

Слайд 2New words
Come alive
Trader’s market
Food stalls
Собрание индейцев
Впечатляющий, захватывающий
Взорваться, разразиться
Торговый маркет


New wordsCome alivePow-wowSpectacularTribeExplodeTrader’s marketDisplayHandicraftsFood stallsTreats entertainingОжитьСобрание индейцевВпечатляющий, захватывающийПлемяВзорваться, разразитьсяТорговый маркетВыставлятьПоделкаПродуктовые лавкиУгощенияразвлекательный

Слайд 3Every year the colours and musical rhythms of Native American

culture come alive at pow-wows all over America. The Albuquerque

Pow-Wow in New Mexico is North America's biggest and most spectacular celebration of the Indian way of life.
Every year the colours and musical rhythms of Native American culture come alive at pow-wows all over

Слайд 4The Grand Entry
More than 3,000 dancers represent over 500 different

Indian tribes from the USA and Canada at the pow-wow. The

event always begins with the Grand Entry of Dancers. The dancers enter the arena group by group from all four entrances. 
The Grand EntryMore than 3,000 dancers represent over 500 different Indian tribes from the USA and Canada

Слайд 5National Dancers
Soon the arena explodes with colour, sound and movement.

At the end of the event there are prizes for

the best dancers and singers.
National DancersSoon the arena explodes with colour, sound and movement. At the end of the event there

Слайд 6The Indian trader's market is also a great attraction for

people coming to the pow-wow. Indian artists display their traditional

handicrafts. Beautifully designed jewellery and charm bags are just some of the items on sale at the market. There are also food stalls where people can taste treats such as enchiladas, bannock or tostados.
The Indian trader's market is also a great attraction for people coming to the pow-wow. Indian artists

Слайд 7The Albuquerque Pow-Wow is a magnificent celebration. It is one

of the most colourful and entertaining events in the USA. 

The Albuquerque Pow-Wow is a magnificent celebration. It is one of the most colourful and entertaining events

Слайд 8The Indian Trader’s Market

The Indian Trader’s Market

Слайд 9Choose one of the items and tell your classmate about

-What is it and where it takes place

-what people do


and music

-how people feel about it
Choose one of the items and tell your classmate about it.-What is it and where it takes

Слайд 10What do you think about the ad?

What do you think about the ad?

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