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Perhaps it will be interesting to you to learn that women hard suffer from smoking because of more gentle structure of an organism which is intended by the nature for a

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Слайд 2Perhaps it will be interesting to you to learn that

women hard suffer from smoking because of more gentle structure

of an organism which is intended by the nature for a reproduction. Long ago the facts, saying that malicious smokers cannot give birth to children as there were profound changes in the germinal device are known. The most frequent complication caused by smoking, the premature abortion — till 36 weeks is. At smokers it happens twice more often. To you does not prevent to know that at smoking women is much more often

prematurity of a fruit and smaller weight of the newborn (yes, the newborn, your child of whom you, probably, do not think, but your smoking will affect its viability). At deadborn children smoking higher than a percent and pathologies are more often at childbirth. And the certainty — smoking extremely negatively influences development of already born child.

Perhaps it will be interesting to you to learn that women hard suffer from smoking because of

Слайд 3Knowing it, there is a sense to reflect on a

marriage, on the husband who will wait for the son,

and the son can not be … Also day when doctors will tell you can come: "Unfortunately, you never will be able already to travail". And if you smoke, being the pregnant woman, know that by experiment it is established: once the pregnant woman lights,

after a few minutes nicotine enters (through the placenta into the heart and brain of the unborn child. And this poison you involuntarily pollute the child. Scientists have traced the development peculiarities, children born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy. These children are observed up to 5-6 years of age significantly behind in its physical and mental development. By the way, among children whose fathers are intensive smokers, 2 times more frequently observed malformations.

Knowing it, there is a sense to reflect on a marriage, on the husband who will wait

Слайд 4Smoking during pregnancy harms your baby.
70% children from birth

have disorders.
Doctors explain it with the fact that 47% of

pregnant smokes!
Smoking during pregnancy harms your baby. 70% children from birth have disorders.Doctors explain it with the fact

Слайд 5Smoking can damage the sperm and reduce fertility.
Smoking can decrease

blood flow and lead to impotence.

Smoking can damage the sperm and reduce fertility.Smoking can decrease blood flow and lead to impotence.

Слайд 6Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke.
Children suffer from

In Smoking mothers
one hundred percent of the children

Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke.Children suffer frompassive Smoking!In Smoking mothersone hundred percent of the

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