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Presentation on the topic of Master's thesis

The dissertation topic The theme of my master's work is related to various disciplines and sciences that I studied when I studied under the Bachelor's program: "The impact of advertising communications

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Слайд 1Presentation on the topic of Master's thesis

Presentation on the topic of Master's thesis

Слайд 2The dissertation topic
The theme of my master's work is

related to various disciplines and sciences that I studied when

I studied under the Bachelor's program: "The impact of advertising communications on brand image through media".

The dissertation topic The theme of my master's work is related to various disciplines and sciences that

Слайд 3This topic is closely related to such areas of science

as: marketing, psychology, sociology, advertising and public relations, journalism. Each

of these sciences is interconnected, since the concept of any commercial company that seeks to become a brand is built on this.
This topic is closely related to such areas of science as: marketing, psychology, sociology, advertising and public

Слайд 4Why is this topic?
I chose this topic, because I

had previously graduated from the university with a degree in

advertising and public relations. Therefore, I want to develop the theme of the master's thesis in this area, it is close and interesting to me.
Why is this topic? I chose this topic, because I had previously graduated from the university with

Слайд 5What should be studied?
Today, companies do a lot of research

to determine how they work to become more popular. Most

of us, when buying a product, prefer the brand that we trust more. As a rule, these are popular brands that we often hear and see in advertising on television, on the radio or in a magazine.
What should be studied?Today, companies do a lot of research to determine how they work to become

Слайд 6What should be studied?
But is this always so?
How to

win consumer confidence?
How to promote your image through the

We must answer these questions with research when writing a work.
What should be studied?But is this always so? How to win consumer confidence? How to promote your

Слайд 7Object of study
Brand image in advertising
Subject of study
The formation of

brand image through advertising communications

Object of studyBrand image in advertisingSubject of studyThe formation of brand image through advertising communications

Слайд 8Purpose of the study
To Identify and study the factors

that influence the brand image when creating advertising messages.

Purpose of the study To Identify and study the factors that influence the brand image when creating

Слайд 9Hypothesis
The information and the nature of the advertising message,

as well as brand positioning in advertising, have a direct

impact on the reputation and image of the company.
Hypothesis The information and the nature of the advertising message, as well as brand positioning in advertising,

Слайд 10Tasks
to study the theoretical aspects of advertising when creating a

brand image,
to study the stages of building a brand image,

study and analyze positioning ads in advertising when building a brand using a specific example,
Tasksto study the theoretical aspects of advertising when creating a brand image,to study the stages of building

Слайд 11Tasks
analysis of key aspects of advertising messages that determine the

positive impact on the brand through the media,
to compare

and analyze advertising communications in the media of successful brands.

Tasksanalysis of key aspects of advertising messages that determine the positive impact on the brand through the

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