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Presented by Team Hong Kong Anne, Steven + David NG Most Exotic Asian Food!

Chicken Feetpopular delicacy in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and China stewed in black bean sauce, soggy skin crumples and the cartilage becomes chewy

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Слайд 1Presented by Team Hong Kong Anne, Steven + David NG
Most Exotic

Asian Food!

Presented by Team Hong Kong Anne, Steven + David NGMost Exotic Asian Food!

Слайд 2Chicken Feet
popular delicacy in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and China

stewed in black bean sauce, soggy skin crumples and the

cartilage becomes chewy

Chicken Feetpopular delicacy in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and China stewed in black bean sauce, soggy skin

Слайд 3Deep-fried Grasshoppers
China, Thailand, Taiwan
Ants, hornets, caterpillars, grasshoppers, scorpions

Deep-fried Grasshoppers China, Thailand, TaiwanAnts, hornets, caterpillars, grasshoppers, scorpions

Слайд 4Beondegi (Silkworm Larvae)
Korea, Northern China
steamed or boiled, and then seasoned

before serving
crunchy with a unique, strange texture inside

Silkworm Larvae. Photo

credit - KSBuehler & Lokhin.
Beondegi (Silkworm Larvae) Korea, Northern Chinasteamed or boiled, and then seasoned before servingcrunchy with a unique, strange

Слайд 5Drunken Shrimp
Popular Shanghai cuisine
served bathed in strong liquor
helps to make

the shrimps less feisty
eat the still twitching body right away

Drunken Shrimp Popular Shanghai cuisineserved bathed in strong liquorhelps to make the shrimps less feistyeat the still

Слайд 6Tuna Eyes
Found in Japan
tantalizing for its fatty, jelly-like tissues around

the eyeballs
eat it raw, albeit the fishy taste
steam or fry

it alongside garlic or soya sauce to spice it up
Selling for less than 100 yen (approximately US$1) in Japan

Photo credit - Altons Images & chloeandliah.

Tuna EyesFound in Japantantalizing for its fatty, jelly-like tissues around the eyeballseat it raw, albeit the fishy

Слайд 7Shark fin
Found in China,
Luxury + popular soup item served

during special occasions
symbolizes wealth, power, prestige and honor
show of respect,

honor, and appreciation to the guests
Fins are tasteless, have crunchy or chewy texture

Shark finFound in China, Luxury + popular soup item served during special occasionssymbolizes wealth, power, prestige and

Слайд 8Century Egg
Chinese cuisine, found in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan

duck or chicken eggs in a mixture of clay, ash,

salt, lime and rice hull for several weeks to several months

Century EggChinese cuisine, found in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, JapanPreserving duck or chicken eggs in a mixture

Слайд 9Balut
Photo credit - Marshall Astor & Kerolic.
Found in Phillippines, Thai,

Vietnam, Laos, Malay
half-fertilized duck or chicken eggs boiled with its

semi-developed ducklings are already visibly formed
considered a high-protein, hearty snack
Often served with beer, tasted much better than it looks
BalutPhoto credit - Marshall Astor & Kerolic.Found in Phillippines, Thai, Vietnam, Laos, Malayhalf-fertilized duck or chicken eggs

Слайд 10Rooster’s Testicles
Found in China, Taiwan
Delicious soup (taste like chicken soup!!!)

Replace chicken meat with chicken testicles
Filled with protein and fat,

really soft and tender, like tofu
Good for woman’s skin, and for man….
Rooster’s TesticlesFound in China, TaiwanDelicious soup (taste like chicken soup!!!) Replace chicken meat with chicken testiclesFilled with

Слайд 11STINKY TOFU!!!!
Most popular in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan
Fermented tofu that

Deep fried to golden and crispy,

even crusty
Served with spicy topping

STINKY TOFU!!!!Most popular in China, Hong Kong, TaiwanFermented tofu that has REALLY REALLY STRONG ODORDeep fried to

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