what I understand now - is that grief is the
most painful experience that any child or parent can endure”.“Tonight we celebrate the enormous, positive difference this charity has made to bereaved families across the country. We celebrate the love, support, and skills provided by the charity's staff, volunteers, and supporters. When many people slink away at the site of a friend's bereavement, CBUK's staff embrace strangers at the darkest moments in their life. I've witnessed firsthand the difference CBUK has made and continues to make to the lives of bereaved families. CBUK works with military families, with the wrecked families of suicide victims, with little children whose lives have been torn apart by the inexplicable death of a parent. And yet amid all this misery, CBUK - and I don't know how they do this - brings warmth, comfort, a guiding hand, a way through, even color and joyfulness, and a renewed opportunity for love as a family reunites itself after tragedy”.