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Propaganda and Freedom in Mass Media

Right to freedom of opinion and expressionAccording to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948 “Everyone has the right

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Слайд 1Propaganda and Freedom in Mass Media
(All-Russian state

University of justice)

Created by Polyakov Dmitriy
Propaganda and Freedom in Mass Media   (All-Russian state University of justice)

Слайд 2Right to freedom of opinion and expression
According to Article 19

of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the

UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948 “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”

Right to freedom of opinion and expressionAccording to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Слайд 3Mass information
Russian media law under the "mass information" means intended

for the general public print, audio, audio-visual and other communications

and materials "that can be distributed through the" sale (subscription, delivery, distribution), periodicals, audio and video programs, broadcast radio and television programs (broadcasting ), demonstrating newsreels.
Mass informationRussian media law under the

Слайд 4Propaganda
Propaganda, when it is pervasive, massive and systematic, is detrimental

to freedom of the media.
This phenomenon destroys the core

of the profession of journalism. It makes journalists hostages of some sort, typically the government’s and thus, hitting at the independence of the media. Journalists are forced or bribed to be a mere conduit of the messages.
PropagandaPropaganda, when it is pervasive, massive and systematic, is detrimental to freedom of the media. This phenomenon

Слайд 5Propaganda
Dangers of propaganda become a useful excuse for governments to

restrict or even ban all hostile messages, actual and potential,

coming from abroad

Propaganda is especially dangerous when emanating from the state-owned and state-run, also by proxy, media outlets. A use of public funds to impose a one-sided view is a corrupt practice. The two world wars and the Cold War that followed have proven that media in the hands of governments is a dangerous instrument

PropagandaDangers of propaganda become a useful excuse for governments to restrict or even ban all hostile messages,

Слайд 6Information in mass media
Unlike the propaganda, information is used primarily

to bring to the attention of the population of certain

knowledge without imposing it any conclusions
In order to the mass of the population accepted certain ideas need to bring them to people's consciousness.This role is performed by the media.
Information in mass mediaUnlike the propaganda, information is used primarily to bring to the attention of the

Слайд 7Responsibility
This is mainly advisory in nature, it acts as a

political requirement to fulfill certain international obligations, requirements that are

not related to the liquidation of the damage caused in violation of international law.

Today the responsibility for the international media activity usually does not involve the use of sanctions against wrongdoing State

There should be a clear distinction between the rights and obligations of States, whose territory covered by one or other information Some media which transfer this information and the rights of other States to protect their citizens.

ResponsibilityThis is mainly advisory in nature, it acts as a political requirement to fulfill certain international obligations,

Слайд 8Thank You for your attention!

Thank You for your attention!

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